Is there an option to make the same settings for blue orb invasions? It's really not that fun to tp around and spam it in hopes of finding a possible invasion
there is bunch of Brazilian steam accounts invading at 0 soul memory and still managing to inject items to your inventory even with blue acolyte installed
One of the features is that I can invade anywhere, without having to be in that area, how does that work with Looking Glass Knight summoning and dark chasm pvp? and how about DLCs?
a stupid person tried to invade me at a very low level 40k SM was kicked and blocked before even invading, this mechanic is great for detecting hacks... you could have this in Seamless Coop.
Question, does the infinite upwards soul memory matchmaking apply to things besides invasions, like Rat King Covenant or the Bell Keepers? or is it just for things like cracked eye orbs.
If you're having issues feel free to make a bug report. Suggestions are welcome in the posts section.
i blocked one and still got invaded by his alt account literally 15 minutes later in the forest of fallen giants
Needs to be added to the global ban/block list. He's disguising attacking without animations as being extreme Brazilian lag.