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About this mod

Replaces ~3800 textures, height-maps, normal-maps and specular-maps with new or reworked AI-upscaled textures.
includes shaderscripts to eliminate artefacts when using reshade mods that use depth information (like RTGI).

Permissions and credits
DreamfallHD textures reworked

>> Replaces ~3800 textures, height-maps, normal-maps and specular-maps with new or reworked AI-upscaled textures.

>> Includes scriptmod to skip all hacking and lockpicking minigames.      
Unfortunately this is necessary as modding the pak files will cause the minigames to crash. 

>> shaderscript-mod to remove artefacts when using some reshade mods that use depth information (like RTGI).    
 Smoke, lampflares and candleflames will no longer be seen as solid objects by reshade.

>> Includes a scriptmod that reduces the health of some particularly annoying enemies in unavoidable fights.

>> Includes modtool (source code as separate download)

>> Reshade quint_RTGI and alternative quint_MXAO presets available as separate download.

AI upscaled video files are available as a separate mod:
DreamfallHD AI upscaled videos

The no-minigames mod and the shaderscript mod are available as separate downloads in a dfmodtool version and can be combined with other texture mods such as the AI upscale HD mod by lala125.
You can also mix textures from different mods.(But if you want to use my modtool with textures from other mods, you have to rename all ".dds" files to ".png")

Known issues:
> A system date format with "\" can cause the modding to crash because no log file can be created. 
There is a fixed/updated StartModPak.bat file available in miscellaneous.
> Modding the pak files will cause the minigames to crash.
This mod includes a script mod to skip all hacking and lockpicking minigames. 

> Modding "the_winter.pak" will cause the cutscene in Faith's winter landscape (when Zoe breaks through the ice) to crash.
This mod will not change the_winter.bak by default, it will just move it to the "out" folder. This pretty much only affects the dollhouse textures.
The mod does include HD textures for Faith's dollhouse. You will need to edit StartModPak.bat to allow modding of the_winter.pak.
A modded "the_winter.pak" file will only work for Zoe's 3rd visit to Faith's winter landscape,when she is allowed to enter Faith's dollhouse.
Until then, you must use the original the_winter.pak.

Let's play with this mod by Grey3minence:
Youtube Playlist: Dreamfall The Longest Journey [Remastered]

Non-comprehensive list of tools used:

Cupscale, waifu2x, GFPGan

Non-comprehensive list of texture resources used:

Special thanks:

to Deniz Oezmen (
This modtool is an altered version of his "Utilities for Dreamfall" code.
his code was extremely helpful in understanding the pak file format.

to Tobias Pfaff creator of dreamview 
and grumbel creator of dfmodtools

to the people who made The longest Journey and Dreamfall Games.

and to you for downloading this mod. 

Have fun and may the balance be with you.