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DreamfallHD Textures reworked Mod for Dreamfall the longest Journey v1.0 by dreamingLeapfur

>> Replaces 3800 textures, high-maps, normal-maps and specular maps
with new or reworked AI upscaled textures.

>> Shaderscripts to eliminate artifacts when using some reshade mods that use depth information (like RTGI).
switches off writing to the depth buffer for smoke, lampflares etc
so reshade does not see them as solid objects.
Files in: [Modfiles\art\shaders] + ".sir" files in the locations folder

>> Scripts to skip all hacking and lockpicking minigames.
Unfortunately, this is necessary, because modding the pak files causes the minigames to crash.
Files in: [Modfiles\data\scripts]

>> Scripts that reduce the health of some particularly annoying enemies in mostly unavoidable fights.
Vinnie at viktory hotel, the azadi soldiers in the nordland woods, the three trainingspartner in sadir,
the rebels in marcuria at the docks and the Inn.
Files in: [Modfiles\data\generated\locations]



- BACKUP your original Dreamfall "Pak" files found in:
[Your Gamedirectory]\dreamfall\bin\res

- Download and Unzip the DreamfallHD mod.

- Copy your original Pak files into the "PakFiles_In" Folder

(Optional: ".pak" files starting with "vox_", "the_winter.pak" and "init.pak"
will not be changed. You don't need to copy those files.)

- doubleclick on "StartModPak.bat"

wait... this may take a minute or two depending on your hardware....

When it is done:

- copy the modded Pak files from the "PakFiles_Out" Folder
to [Your Gamedirectory]\dreamfall\bin\res Folder

- Start Dreamfall. Enjoy!


Known issues:

Modding the pak files causes the minigames to crash.
This mod contains a script-mod to skip all hacking and lockpicking minigames.

Modding "the_winter.pak" will cause the cutscene in faith´s winter landscape
(when Zoe is breaking through the ice) to crash.
This mod will by default not change "the_winter.bak".
This affects pretty much exclusively the dollhouse textures.
Zoe and Faith´s textures are stored in another pak file.
However, the mod does contain upscaled and reworked HD textures for Faith´s dollhouse.
StartModPak.bat has comments included which lines to delete to allow modding of "the_winter.pak"
but a modded "the_winter.pak" file will only work when it is Zoe´s last visit in faith´s winter landscape.
Until then you must use the original "the_winter.pak" file.

StartModPak.bat will run with any number of pak files in the "PakFiles_In" folder.
you can run it for a single pak file.


All ".png" files are actually ".DDS" textures. They are just named ".png" in the pak file.
The game uses diffuse textures, heightmaps and directx normalmaps.
Depending on the shader there is usually a specularmap and/or a alpha mask in the alpha channel of the diffuse texture and/or normalmap.