Tags for this mod
Activity logs
This page was last updated on 21 January 2025, 11:12AM
- Changelogs
Version 1.9.0
- Fixed a bug that causes spirit ashes to crash under certain circumstances
- Fixed a bug that prevents mimic tears from functioning correctly under certain circumstances
- When using the dried fingers item, your current invasion cooldown period will be reset
- Added information message to inform users if a new mod update is available
- Fixed a bug relating to inescapabable frenzy when used with a catalyst in the off-hand slot
- Torrent now takes significantly more damage from other players
Version 1.8.9
- Removed test code causing problems with enemy damage
Version 1.8.8
- Scaled back some anticheat measures for invasion matchmaking to allow for some QoL and performance improvement mods
- Fixed an issue which caused alternative launchers (such as Mod Engine 2) to severely restrict user matchmaking
- Fixed a bug which could cause inappropriate world event flag synchronisation when invading other players with more progression
- Fixed a critical bug which caused some world event flags to inappropriately linger between reloads causing bugs with certain boss fights (e.g. Fire Giant, Radagon, etc..)
- Added score count into the PvE hoard / boss rush modes
Version 1.8.7
- Fixed a bug introduced in 1.8.6 which caused critical hits not function correctly
Version 1.8.6
- Added PvE enemy horde modes (accessible at Limgrave Arena)
- Added PvE boss rush mode (accessible at the Table of Lost Grace)
- You can now perform a critical strike players in PvP when you knock them off horseback
- Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause mismatched regulation files to connect with each other under certain conditions
Version 1.8.5
- Compatibility with game version 1.14
- Added new item: Dried Fingers - This is indended for people who wish to engage more with PvP
- Disabled safe zones when in PvP scenarios
Version 1.8.4
- Fixed compatibility issues with Japanese copies of the game
Version 1.8.3
- Fixed an issue which caused some enforced safe-zones to persist in pseudo-multiplayer events
- Fixed an issue which would cause spectating players to only partially complete Starscourge Radahn
- Invaders can now use the compass to find all players, not just the host
- Improved mod stability when handling spirit ashes
- Players can now share waypoints on the map with each other
- Added new INI option: "skip_splash_screens" that allows you to skip the introductory logos on game start
- Added new INI option: "default_boot_master_volume" that allows you to preserve your hearing on game start
Version 1.8.2
- Compatibility with game version 1.13
Version 1.8.1
- Fixed a bug which caused invaders player instances to persist for too long after failing their mission
- Fixed a bug which could allow matchmaking between players using overhaul mods
- Fixed certain DLC-specific actions in multiplayer- Fixed certain DLC-specific actions in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug which caused a DLC NPC storyline pseudo-multiplayer event to have no completion condition
- Fixed a bug which made it impossible to transport to Dragonlord Placidusax as a guest
- Increased invader cooldown time (the grace period in which hosts cannot be invaded by another player)
- Improved invader spawn positions
- Modified the starting animation for invaders
- Added invader PK droptables
Version 1.8.0
- Fixed a bug which caused some interactions (such as waterfall coffins) to be disabled in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug that allowed host players to send home invaders
- Fixed a bug that caused bonfire warp / level up names to fail to be retrieved
- Fixed an event state bug which caused various NPC pseudo-multiplayer events to have no completion condition
- Fixed an event state bug which caused NPC pseudo-multiplayer invasions to be impossible when playing alone
- Fixed an oversight which displayed a player's steam name instead of in-game name on death
- Reworked invasion spawn positions
- Enabled overworld invasions
Version 1.7.9
- Fixed a bug that caused invading players to not display any notification to others that they have arrived
- Fixed a bug that caused the teleporters in the Ainsel River boss fight to not work in multiplayer
- Fixed a bug that caused the teleporters in the Nokron, Eternal City boss fight to not work in multiplayer
- Fixed a serious bug which could cause significant world event disruption
- Warping to a bonfire will now inform other players in the session which bonfire you have warped to
- When invading as an evil spirit, you now get information regarding how many opponents are in the world
- Added new player display option: 5 'Display ping AND soul level'
Version 1.7.8
- Fixed some locked and special evergaols (e.g. Golden Lineage Evergaol, Ordina Liturgical Town)
- Fixed grand lift of Rold
- Fixed dectus lift
- Fixed horse flickering for guest players
- Fixed guest players horse remaining dead after respawning (requiring a re-connect)
- Fixed a few outlier fog walls in multiplayer (e.g. Academy Crystal Cave)
- Fixed a bug with the mission for assisting Millicent missing it's ending condition
- Fixed a bug with the mission for fighting a key DLC invasion boss missing it's ending condition ( note -- the boss itself is still extremely buggy but now possible )
Version 1.7.7
- Fixed a bug that caused some interactable objects (such as elevators, fire pillars, etc.) to reset to their default position
- Fixed infinite loading screen when loading into Roundtable Hold
Version 1.7.6
- Fixed a bug that caused human-type bosses to give an incorrect amount of souls on death
- Fixed a crash involving invading NPCs
- Disabled Ensha's Round Table Hold event whilst bug fixes are in progress
- Bundled crashpad launcher required for creating crashdumps in the event of crashes
Version 1.7.5
- Removed spirit ash nerf
- Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash if dismounting a horse on a moving object
- Fixed a bug that could cause players who skipped the Radahn cutscene to perpetually fall
Version 1.7.4
- Fixed a stonesword key evegaol in peninsula
- Disabled invasions during active boss fights
- Fixed a bug that could cause invaders to rarely progress their world whilst invading a session
- Clarified some options in the ini
- Shops stocks are now local to your save file, and aren't session shared
- Removed black screens when loading in enemies after resting at a bonfire
- Bonfire lighting range increased to global
- Added bonfire light notification string
- Rewrote CSLockTgtMan which should hopefully fix the lockon breaking on horseback
- You can drop sorceries, incantations, and upgrade materials
- Reworked invasion matchmaking thresholds
Version 1.5.1
- Compatibility update for game version 1.09
- You can no longer waste runes with the rune decanter if you already have a rune arc active
- Fixed a bug which caused certain dialogue messages to be inappropriately networked
- Fixed some bugs with the mod's translation index; Updated translations
Version 1.5.0
- Implemented translations and language file customisation (partially in some cases)
- Reworked the spectating system to be more reliable
- Shops are now instanced, meaning that each player has their own stock of items.
- Added "Rune Decanter" item which allows players to exchange runes for a rune arc
- Modified the way in which world data is synchronised to clients from the host
- The world map will now resemble the state of the host when joining as a client
- Fixed a bug which would cause some locally progressed flags to be read whilst within another world
- Fixed a bug which would cause world synchronisation "catch-up" when joining a more advanced player
- Fixed a bug which would cause some guest player flags to be inappropriately synchronised to the host world
- Fixed a bug which could cause the horse to be unresponsive when calling it after dying as a client
- Fixed a bug which could cause FeSpecialText events (e.g. "Enemy Felled") to repeat themselves as a guest player
- The last bonfire that the host has rested at should now be synchronised to connecting clients
- Increased the network refresh rate of characters and players which should allow for smoother movement of fast objects
- The mod launcher will no longer launch the game if the dll is corrupted or missing
- Fixed a bug with the mod launcher which prevented function if the file path was > 250 characters long
- Temporarily disabled NPC-world invasions
Version 1.4.5
- Fixed an issue introduced in the previous version which would cause some special visual effects to crash the game.
Version 1.4.4
- Fixed a bug with vote warping which could cause votes to be erroneously discarded
- Fixed a bug which could cause enemy target references to be deleted whilst on horseback, making them non-targetable
- Fixed a minor bug with the spectator camera, which would use a player's health state instead of alive state to choose to spectate them
- Added better user information messages when connection problems arise
- Modified the irregular FPS warning
- Crashpad integration
Version 1.4.3
- Fixed a bug which could cause people to become stuck in serial loading screens when travelling to Roundtable Hold for the first time
- Fixed a bug which would cause you get stuck when accepting an invitation to the Roundtable Hold for the first time
- Fixed a bug which would cause spectating players to leave behind a solid obstacle where they had died
- You no longer accumulate rot essence when wiping out to a boss
- The spectator camera will now swap between players based on death states instead of absolute HP
- Grace vote warping has been made more straightforward, and incorrect votes are discarded
- Stakes of Marika now function as normal in co-op
- Enemy AI should now be more consistent, as player death states are updated faster
Version 1.4.2
- Fixed a bug that caused the compass to not show other players
- Fixed a bug which caused evergaol bosses to have no multiplayer scaling
- Fixed a bug which caused enemy scaling for 4 players to be the same as for 5 players
- Fixed a bug which caused hostile spirit ashes in PvP modes to attack the summoner
- Fixed a bug which would cause dead spirit ashes to be respawned if a player loaded in as a spirit ash was dying
- Fixed an issue which caused long load times to allow the mod to load vanilla .sl2 files
- "Team A" is now the blue team, and "Team B" is now the red team. PvP teams mode now has different player colours
- You can now choose your own custom save extension (default is .co2)
- Removed the PvP-oriented health reduction for spirit ashes
- Added compatibility with mods that adjust multiplayer scaling values beyond 3 friendly players
Version 1.4.1
- Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow players to join from non-MP enabled areas
- Fixed a memory problem which caused some players to be unable to join multiplayer sessions
- Fixed a bug that caused transporter chests to not function correctly
- Fixed a vanilla bug which caused the compass to not display other friendly players
Version 1.4.0
- Compatibility update for game version 1.08
- Rewrote, fixed, and expanded networking backend
- Added 6 players coop mode
- Expanded enemy scaling for the increased player count
- Spirit ashes are now available to use by all players, once per grace rest
- Fixed a bug which would cause wanderers to crash when using the Judicator's Rulebook in teams mode
Version 1.3.7
- Transporter chests will now close properly after entrapping players
- Fixed a bug that caused some enemies to lose aggression after killing a player
- Fixed a crash caused by a race condition when starting a warp vote as the host
- Fixed some broken text in the mod
- Slightly modified some of the mod item use visual effects
- Optimisations to the start-up code should mean that the mod starts slightly faster
Version 1.3.6
- Fixed a bug that caused bosses found behind fog walls to not scale correctly
Version 1.3.5
- Fixed a bug which caused significant issues displaying the correct position of the horse on other clients
- Major code optimisations
Version 1.3.4
- Fixed a bug that caused an issue with substantial enemy scaling
Version 1.3.3
- Compatibility update for game version 1.07
- Fixed an issue which could make heavily modded games have difficulty establishing a connection to each other
Version 1.3.2
- Fixed a bug that disabled flask potency upgrades in co-op
- Fixed a bug that caused significant enemy synchronisation problems
Version 1.3.1
- Updated to be compatible with game version 1.06
- Rot essence now has double the debuff potency per stack. Emaciation no longer reduces attributes. The maximum stacks of any rot is now 5 (from 10)
- The "find target grace site" feature has been improved to work correctly with different map layers
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause player's sacred tear progress on their flasks to reset
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause a problem displaying evergaol vote messages
Version 1.3.0
- Fixed a bug that caused hosts to get diminished runes from substantial enemies
- Fixed a bug that would cause irregular horse positioning if a player stands on dynamic world geometry while mounted
- Fixed a bug that caused some dynamic geometry to become desynced after dying as a guest
- Fixed a bug that would crash players if a waypoint was deleted before they had opened the map for the first time
- Fixed a bug that would crash players rarely as another player was joining the party for the first time
- The mod will now look for the ini file wherever the dll is located, instead of a specific folder
- Added some configurable player HUD options for the 'Host of Fingers' title: Off, default, view ping
- During a warp vote, if you press LB (Z) whilst in the map, the map cursor will automatically move to the site of grace being voted on
- You can now drop sorceries, incantations, and weapon upgrade materials to other members of your party
- Slightly decreased poise resistance in 3 and 4 party enemy scaling for substantial enemies
- Chariots will now target the host exclusively to prevent conflicting AI goals
- Updated the functionality of the Judicator's Rulebook to provide a selection of options rather than cycling through game rules
- Added team fight options to the Judicator's Rulebook. Guest players can now use the book to choose teams if team fight mode is active
- If an update is available the message should now be more clear
- Rewrote some dialogue and improved some user messages
- Code optimisation
Version 1.2.5
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally display "?NpcName? has been slain" when killing a substantial enemy for parties greater than 2
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally spawn new guest players beneath geometry if the host is moving quickly through the world as they are joining
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause the map to fail to load for guest players
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally prevent guest players from respawning their horse when falling from a significant height
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash if a waypoint is removed after already being deleted
- Fixed a bug that would cause substantial enemies to re-adjust their scaling parameters if a player or friendly NPC disconnected during the fight
- Fixed a bug that would cause Melina to approach guest players inappropriately
- Added measures to ensure critical networking packets do not get lost with unstable connections
- Added a new event when a party dies to a boss
- Network stability improvements
Version 1.2.4
- Corrected an issue which allowed the game to un-do some of the mod's patches
Version 1.2.3
- Compatibility with game version 1.05
Version 1.2.2
- Fixed a major bug which caused "Rot Essence" to not be correctly removed from player's inventories
- Fixed a major bug which allowed guest players to upgrade their flask past +12, resetting their flask level
- You no longer have to be in a session to remove rot essence at a site of grace
Version 1.2.1
- Fixed a bug that caused evergaols to be unusable in single player
- Fixed a bug that would break spectator mode if you activated the fall death camera
- Fixed an issue which caused enemies to attack players who are spectating
Version 1.2.0
- Fixed a bug that allowed the host to spam evergaol begin votes
- Fixed a bug that caused players to get locked in an animation when activating evergaols
- Fixed a bug that caused sites of grace to be labelled as "Table of Lost Grace" and have their action button prompts moved
- Fixed a bug that caused players to be stuck in the Round Table Hold if they had already killed Ersha
- Fixed a bug that caused players to get duplicate event items if they disconnected during a loading screen
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause the mod's auxiliary connection to time out, meaning that additional functionality of the mod stopped working
- Fixed a bug with the "neutral" game rule which caused enemy aggression to be affected
- Fixed a bug with the "neutral" game rule which made it impossible to apply party buffs/heals to other players
- The map will now close automatically once you cast a vote to warp
- Evergaols are now named appropriately when someone votes to begin one
- The mod will now check for updates on boot, and alert you if there is one available
- Reworked Elden Ring's p2p system
Version 1.1.0
- Fixed a bug which caused some event-linked items (e.g. activated great runes) to not be given to guest players when consumed by another player
- Fixed a bug which caused significant enemy synchronisation issues
- Fixed a bug which would prevent guest players from respawning their horse
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally let players respawn even when a boss health bar is present
- Fixed a lingering bug which caused connection issues when joining from certain areas
- Fixed a graphical bug which caused NPC invader health bars to duplicate
- Added friendly fire mode. This means that you can injure other players, but they are not hostile
- Added a HUD icon to indicate when you're actively hosting a session, and when PvP mode is enabled
- Added visual indicators to accompany the "Seperating Mist" item. To make it clear that it's working
Version 1.0.1
- Fixed an issue which prevented people from joining as co-operators from non-MP enabled areas
- Fixed a crash caused by hovering over waypoints being deleted by another player
- Adjusted enemy scaling, and added enemy posture scaling
- If your character does not have the mods items, they are automatically given to you
- Fixed some typos in the item descriptions
Version 1.0.0
- Initial beta release
- Author's activity
January 2025
21 Jan 2025, 11:12AM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.9.0'
21 Jan 2025, 11:12AM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.9.0'
21 Jan 2025, 11:10AM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.9.0 [version 1.9.0]'
November 2024
27 Nov 2024, 10:02PM | Action by: Yui
Attribute change
'Name changed to \'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)\'.'
October 2024
24 Oct 2024, 5:27PM | Action by: Yui
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
September 2024
28 Sep 2024, 8:20PM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.8.9'
28 Sep 2024, 8:15PM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.8.9 [version 1.8.9]'
28 Sep 2024, 6:47PM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.8.8'
28 Sep 2024, 6:45PM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.8.8'
28 Sep 2024, 6:30PM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.8.8 [version 1.8.8]'
23 Sep 2024, 7:12AM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.8.7'
23 Sep 2024, 7:10AM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.8.7 [version 1.8.7]'
22 Sep 2024, 10:39PM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.8.6'
22 Sep 2024, 10:30PM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.8.6 [version 1.8.6]'
11 Sep 2024, 11:10PM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.8.5 [version 1.8.5]'
11 Sep 2024, 9:03PM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.8.5'
11 Sep 2024, 9:00PM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.8.5 [version 1.8.5]'
August 2024
11 Aug 2024, 11:02AM | Action by: Yui
Changelog added
'Change log added for version 1.8.4'
11 Aug 2024, 11:00AM | Action by: Yui
File added
'Seamless Co-op v1.8.4 [version 1.8.4]'
10 Aug 2024, 11:03PM | Action by: Yui
Attribute change
'Description changed.'
- Mod page activity
March 2025
28 Mar 2025, 10:42AM | Action by: efimka333
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 9:58AM | Action by: guliofg5646
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 9:16AM | Action by: lhxlhx20
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 9:09AM | Action by: KillerQueenBoKi
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 8:42AM | Action by: 2304805361
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 8:37AM | Action by: Warmonger1v1
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 8:31AM | Action by: cripplemr0ni0n
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 8:20AM | Action by: mchind
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 8:19AM | Action by: 1437427018
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 7:14AM | Action by: CrunchDeezNuts408
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 7:13AM | Action by: Purc3ll
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 6:10AM | Action by: Diuuuughh
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 4:29AM | Action by: jimmysuits
Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)
28 Mar 2025, 4:29AM | Action by: sequidhunter
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 4:20AM | Action by: 1Rexn
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 3:34AM | Action by: astaroth106
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 1:51AM | Action by: masterboogway
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 1:48AM | Action by: Kyroe217
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 1:40AM | Action by: plushii5
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'
28 Mar 2025, 1:17AM | Action by: Insigni9726
'Seamless Co-op (Elden Ring)'