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The Wandering Ranger

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About this mod

This mod adds a new craftable packaged food into the world.

Permissions and credits
This mod adds a packaged Meal-Ready-To-Eat into the Commonwealth. It uses the Institute food package as a mesh and I used a custom MRE texture on top of that making a U.S. Army MRE. As of right now, you can only find these in the Mess Hall of the Prydwen and right outside Vault 111. They can also be crafted at any cooking station with some Pork and Beans and Dirty Water.

I may or may not make edits to this mod, it depends on bugs or if I feel like making them spawn randomly throughout the world space. (which I do not know how to do and if anybody wants to tell me how I would gladly put it into the mod.) I may come back in the future and add a few different flavors and even a few faction specific foods that can be sold at faction vendors.
DogtoothCG, for peaking my interest into modding.
Sovereign Walrus, also for peaking my interest.
KaptainKlobber, for letting me check out his real MRE and being an awesome brother.
Elianora, for making some helpful tutorials.

I don't support consoles or modding consoles, Do not ask for me to place my files onto because I will delete and ignore all requests. Please be aware I give nobody permission to upload my mods there as well. Thanks.

Photorealistic Commonwealth is the ENB seen in pictures along with the M14 standalone weapon mod in the soldier's hand.