1. Thom293
    • premium
    • 156 kudos
    The DLC mod has 2 known issues. 
    Some Far Harbor Settlers have the wrong voice.  A fix is Here:  https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/50024

    Sometimes Bradburn Ampitheatre in Nuka World will cause a crash.  Please read known issues in bug section on this.  Try disabling Clean Faces Pack, or just disable the mod for the time you are there.  


    1. Before you report it, please move Better Settlers to the bottom of your load order, and see if the bug persists. If it does not, it is another file. If it does, go to step 2.


  2. Thom293
    • premium
    • 156 kudos
    Thanks for all endorsements and comments. Ive been really busy at work, but have some updates planned once I have a bit more time. Keep the comments coming!

    Load Order (IMPORTANT):


    Eli's Armor Compendium and/or Azar's Ponytail Hairstyles (optional)
    Any other Settler Mods
    Any Better Settler Patches that you might use from other authors
    Any Better Settler Optional Packs like Lollygagging, Clean face, or Light or Heavy Armor Types (optional)
    Better Settlers Mostly Female or Mostly Male (optional)
    CCAP MUST go here or it wont work (optional)>
    Any Better Settler Mortal or Mortal Soldier Pack must go LAST or they wont work (optional)

    If the game crashes when you try to uninstall, do the below:

    Here is what you do. Uncheck all Better Settler mods BUT no lollygagging.
    Open game, save, close game
    Uncheck no lollygagging.
    Reload and save again.

    Then you can uninstall. Not sure why it does this, but that fixes it.
  3. Thom293
    • premium
    • 156 kudos
    If you want to do a test to see variety and randomness, you can do this with console:

    tai (turns off ai)
    tcai (turns off combat ai)
    tgm (toggles god mod)
    spawn 00020593 40 (40 is the number of settlers it will spawn).
    let them spawn and move away a little bit and do it again.

    I normally spawn about 120 settlers at a time and go through and look at them to check for bugs. But you can use it to see the variety and make sure the ponytails are showing up, etc. You can safely kill them and check their inventory.

    You can tai and tcai and shoot them and they will draw their weapons and attack, then you can tai and tcai again and they will freeze with weapons drawn so you can look at weapons. You will be unkillable because you will be in god mode.

    Dont forget to tai tcai and tgm again or no one will move and you will be unkillable.
  4. raybo01
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    Oh, yes I have something to report and I am not going to follow your instructions in the sticky.

    You have utterly left out how folks should do this in your documentation, so this is for your review.

    Nor am I, in this case, going to read through all your extensive, specific, and complete documentation.

    I will just tell you, point blank.

    Kudos #100, I endorsed long - long ago. What a great mod.

    Few other mods have I enjoyed as much this one. In fact, after using it for so long I can't imagine playing without it.

    So, all I wanted to report was extream gratitude and appreciation. Your mod makes my game, I truly enjoy the settler gameplay and this just makes it that way. ha! yet better.

    Thank you. This is, has been and will continue to be an essential mod to me.

    Funny, the only time this mod has ever not functioned perfectly was when I "the user" failed to follow your excellent instructions.
    1. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      You know what? I love to hear this kind of stuff. Thank you!
  5. battlebrother13
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    I have uploaded a fix for the issue where Far Harbor settlers have strange or silent voices (with Thom293's blessing):

    1. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Thank you! Will link when I get to computer. 
  6. Jesse6669
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Been using this mod a long time, curious if anyone has any fixes for a issue i just got: Built a settlment at Abernathy farms, settlement beacon and now when I visit the settlement it instantly crashes on load. Only change since i was last there was the new settlers. Used CLAS and Buffout and it points to this mod. 
    Mesh (NIF) Crash, Body Physics Crash, Player Character Crash, Better settlers listed as a plugin suspect, form id suspect.
    - Full Name: "Beatnik" | 1
    - Name: "BSFaceGenNiNodeSkinned" | 2
    - Name: "HairMale28" | 4
    - Name: "skeleton.nif" | 1"

    If there is a way to remotely delete/recycle the settlers perhaps that could fix the bugged npc issue i seem to be having. If anyone knows a fix lemme know, i have modified skeletons etc but it's never been a issue in years of using this mod. no clean faces, settlers can die. 
    1. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      This is 100% not caused by BS. If you modified skeletons I'd assume it's that. 

      I wish I could offer more help, but I've never messed with skeletons. 
    2. Jesse6669
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback. I installed a skeleton mod 3 years ago though without issue so no idea why it could cause an issue now. Truth be told I am surprised this old mod build even launches, so I would not be too concerned with my report. Still I will do some tinkering with it and report anything I can figure out. 

      EDIT: Most unusual but i was able to isolate it to a single settler, and then narrowed it all the way down to "XSettFacesPresetMale12" within this mod. IDK what was wrong with it, but after copying all the details (minus editor id etc of course) for preset 13 over preset 12 the game stopped crashing when loading in that settler.

      I'm sure it's something weird on my end, but at the least this info might be useful to somebody out there
    3. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Thank you for the report.  That is very odd.   I'm assuming this was changed my some other mod then?  Been out forever and not had this report before. I'll keep an eye out for it.
    4. 16brewerd
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I have been having this same issue ever since the new update, with the same crash message and I haven't even installed this mod yet (i came here to see if there would be issues with using it).  The only fix I have found is to restart the game, walk somewhere just outside the area you were fast traveling FROM....not far...like 60 seconds of walking seems to do the trick.  Then Fast travel somewhere OTHER than the place that was crashing.  Then you should be able to fast travel to Abernathy.  Good Luck.
    5. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Oh man.  Thank you for confirming.  So a new vanilla bug vanilla bug?  

      I'm going to sticky this.  Thank you.
  7. yennavir
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    > Be me
    > Enable settlers dying for realism
    > reach level 70, spend most time in far harbor, forget about commonwealth
    > get notification "Help defending starlight drive-in"
    > Remember I set up some defenses and they should be fine
    > check the settlement some time later
    > all 20 settlers are dead except the provisioner after a massive robot attack

    Absolute 10/10, would do again
  8. Brotherhook
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Idk if this question has been already answered, can I use this mod without having eli's armor mod and the extra hair styles? I just want better settlers in vanilla, thank you.
  9. Alundra
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    Are you aware of this? Can I clean it or will it break?

    === Cleaning With FO4Edit Needed
    The following plugins have deleted references or other issues that can and should be fixed with FO4Edit. Visit the [[!https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/7-mod-cleaning-and-error-checking.html|Tome of xEdit]] for more information.
    * __BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp:__  Contains dirty edits, needs cleaning.
    1. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Mods been out 7 year and been downloaded more than 4 million times between here and other places. It is fine.  It show that because I made it before the creation kit.  

      You are welcome to try to edit it, bit i make no promises.  
    2. Alundra
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      I ran the clean and everything does seem fine but time will tell ha ha.
  10. RainLeonheart
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I am having a heavy number of ghoul settlers... I don't have a problem with this, but, when the first five people to enter a settlement are all ghouls, it's a little over the top. Any fix for this?
    1. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      You have some other mod that is messing with it I think.  Out of the 200+ new settlers, I think only 10 are ghouls. 
    2. NiftyPower
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      How do I prevent ghoul settlers from appearing?
    3. gildedlily
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      - Mayor McDonough, 2282.
  11. AndreChau
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Apparently Eli radically altered her mod and I can't tell if the current version is completely compatible, and I'm hoping to avoid a ctd after spending hours in the game, so I was wondering if anyone out there is using the current version and this mod without issue?
  12. Grid732px
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How is it that this mod's optional ESPs that you install in the FOMOD installer (particularly the Clean Face ESP) conflict with the main ESP??? Like, how does that even happen??? I feel like some obvious adjustments need to be made, especially if you have the Unofficial Fallout 4 Pacth installed, which causes that and this mod to conflict. I also feel like this mod just overall really needs to be updated at this point because the last time this mod was updated was all the way back in April of 2017, which is a while ago, and we're on version 1.10.984 so it's probably for the best. I mean no ill intentions with all of this btw. I just wanted to note that this mod probably needs to be brought up to spec.
    1. LumLevits
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      What do you mean by conflict?  If you choose the Clean Face option in the FOMOD it creates an additional ESP in your loadorder that overwrites the original.  Maybe Im not understanding what you typed.  I've used this mod for a long time, I didn't update FO4, I have had zero problems.
    2. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      The optional ESPs SHOULD conflirt with the base mods.  That's the point.  It changes the base mod to something else and change paramater X to Y.  That is the conflict. Without the conflict there would be no change. You are worrying about a problem that does not exist. 

      And yes. It's old. And yes, maybe I could update it. But I have not played the game in 7 years and as far as I know it still works as designed - even after the FO4 updates. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 

      I hope you can enjoy it. 
    3. Grid732px
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      OH! Ok, thanks then. Didn't know that lol. Mb.
  13. Cyberclaw07
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Has anyone tried this with Fallout London?
  14. just59
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Hello, this mod is a bit old, but it's still great. I don't want to miss it. It works for me without any problems.
    I'm currently in the process of creating a mod Making wigs , but I'm still an apprentice. My story will revolve around radiation damage. Settlers have thin hair. And I'm remedying this with wigs.
    To bring this into the game as a good story, the new settlers should come with hairstyles like "acid rain", "beta radiation" etc. I've changed the mod "BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0". I've replaced the hair.
    @Thom293 Can you please add an extension for this so that you can select it when installing? My solution isn't that elegant ;)
  15. powerbree
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Does anyone know what is causing this horrifying texture issue? I used Better Console to see what mods are affecting this settler and it says that it's Better Settlers. I do not have a Nick Valentine retexture installed and I've seen a couple other NPCs randomly have this issue as well. I've followed the correct load order but it only seems to happen when I have this mod and Unique NPCs enabled
    1. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      I dont know what tool you are using, but this mod does not cause it.  Someone else recently said a tool said it was my mod and it was not.(See most recent sticky).

      Its something else.  Good luck.
    2. dirtycurt425
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      shiiiit...I wish I could get this "bug" to happen to me.  I would create an entire settlement themed around a Haunted House lol.  All jokes aside I hope you get it figured and sorted out.
    3. MrBaloneyPony
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Better Console doesn't tell you what mod is causing a problem, it just tells you what reference it is and what mod is referencing it.  Something else is getting garbled, and your NPC mod is taking that garbled data and being like "well this is what it says to make faces with so, here ya go."  You should probably open xEdit, and "apply filter for conflicts" with this mod and any other mod you have that edits npcs, faces, textures, anything at all that could conceivably contribute.  Even then, it can be like finding the hay in a needle stack.  Troubleshooting with creation engine just be like that.  

      in all honesty, that does look dope AF.  That's some straight up nightmare fuel and it's friggin' metal

      Side note:  I was trying to find out of the xEdit warnings about "unused data" from Mortal Settlers were just carryovers from vanilla, since mods that carry over anything from official masters are going to carry over their bugs, too.  I ran error check in FO4Edit on the NPC record of the main Fallout4.esm.  MS kicks out tons of warnings, but ZERO errors.  The same record in the base game kicks out zero warnings, and 28 errors, and all of them are related to facemorphs/faceindex.  No idea if it's related or not,  but this mod doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.
    4. Metal1623
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Hi, my suspect is the halloween CC mod beth included in the NG updte, seen this happen randomly on diffrent charactes, Piper, my player, Skadi (mod added companion) and others. It's not permanent and was gone some reloads and back other... rebuilding my Modlist now from scratch and sorting out bugged mods. But with the CC content that is buggy as s#*!, this might be a very short list until someone find the real bugs. 
      Off topic, is it possible to disable the CC content without having to revert back to old F4?
    5. jimcamb
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      most of the CC's are required for the NG UFO4P, you would get missing masters messages

      (edited spelling)
    6. Metal1623
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Not using UFO4P cause of that. Made a remark in their page that it's no longer unofficial patch, it's official. Think they stop supporting modded games by locking in the vrap neth forced ont us
  16. hang50
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    using this with  X cell mod the settlers have no heads. this must not have any face gen files.
    1. supergrunt
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      same here , for now traced it to this mod and x cell but still investigating further

      its not just this mod but a already known problem with X Cell and face gen files 
    2. jimcamb
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      For FaceGen creations this one is recommended for X-Cell:



      Worked for me for Settlers of the Commonwealth who had no heads.
    3. Thom293
      • premium
      • 156 kudos
      Thanks for comments. So this is caused by some new mod?  

      Never had this issue before.  Does the linked mod fix the problem?
    4. SonsOLiberty
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      It is caused when "any" mod does not  have any facegen data/flag which is tons and tons and tons. X-Cell has a facegen options, this supposedly will reduce lag and every time you enter a cell the game generates the faces.  Now with X-Cell, and VEFS you can create facegen data for all characters and install it and now characters have permeant faces, no more from the game creating them on the fly each time.

      Now if you don't care about faces, you need to turn off "facegen" in the options of X-Cell.  But if you want faces, you load up VEFS, follow directions, and it will create a mod package for you to install or find a patch.
    5. hang50
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      no it doesn't. it's a patching tool. And like it says on the front of the box. Known issues won't launch. Well I'm one of those people that has that issue and can't fix it. so i have to rely on somebody to patch it. or the mod creator to fix it. This is one of my favorite settler mod. Been using it for long time. But X Cell is a fallout game changer. 
    6. DevinDickens
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Yep, just realized this problem as well after using this mod for years. If worse comes to worse I found "Diverse Series"

      this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/86316?tab=description

      It already has facegen patches right here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/86192?tab=files

      May have to settle with this for the time being.
    7. hang50
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I put a request for patch here but nothing happening yet.   Wasteland Wonderglue - FaceGen Edition at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
    8. SonsOLiberty
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Instead of waiting, you could make yourself.  It is pretty easy and simple, it's a couple of clicks.

      Vault-Tec Enhanced FaceGen System