This page was last updated on 26 November 2017, 1:15AM
Version 1.6
(Fix)Changed the Game Start trait to produce uninhabited worlds in home system, as was originally intended.
(Tune)Added the IsAnctient Tag to Heirs to the Ancients
Version 1.5
(Tune)Changed the Ancient Technologies received by the Heirs to the Ancients to use standard weapon and drive modules.
This means any AI race with this trait will make use of those techs and they will appear on the automated designs.
Version 1.4
(Fix) Added restriction on Synthetic races so that you cannot combine Synthetic with Fertile, Farmers, or Speciation.
(Fix) Added all original Race traits to the end of the list, this corrects for an error which prevents editing of
pre-mod races. The old traits are listed at the end and can be accessed by mousing over and scrolling, all old traits
have had their costs set to zero to prevent issues, they are not intended for use with GalDiv but are re-included just
to fix issues some folks have been having. Also I reiterate do NOT upload GalDiv races to the Workshop!
Version 1.3
(first major balance pass)
(Tune)Nanonics Ability, Engines -20% mass, Shields -20% mass, Beams -30% mass
(Tune)Natural Diplomats, Diplomacy +2, diplomatic value of traderoutes +25%, diplomatic trade offer bonus +25%
(Tune)Malleable, bonus colonists on colonize +5, bonus planetary quality when obtained +5-10, bonus quality to
homeworld +10-15
(Tune)Psionics, Resistance bonus +25%, traderoute bonus +25%, Influence bonus +10%, Diplomacy +2
(Tune)Handy: -20%/-30%/-40%/-50% reduction to all maintenance costs
(Tune)The Swarm, +10% to Food
(Tune)The Silicoids, removed mining bonuses they were causing crashes, +35% to planetary defense
(Tune)Cyborgs, +30% to invasion, +20% to planetary defenses, +20% Food, +75% social manufacturing, +50% miltary manu.
(Tune)AI Collective, +10 to Approval, -50% to maintenance,
(Fix)Changed Automated Production Centers used by AI collective to be colony unique.
(Tune)Farmers, reduced food bonuses to +20%/+30%/+40%/+50%
(Tune)Fecund, removed Approval bonuses and lowered food bonuses to +10%/+15%/+20%/+25%
(Tune)Invaders, +20% Planetary Defense
(Tune)Capitalists, +20% trade route value, +20% tourism income, +30% income
(Tune)Tough, reduction to defense mass lowered to -10%/-15%/-20%/-25%
(Tune)Adventuresome, increased bonuses +25%/+50%/+75%/+100%
(Fix)Adjusted all Trade route bonuses to use proper targetype fields as changed in game version 1.1
Version 1.2
(Fix) Tolerant Trait costs were using old values, updated to current mod cost schedule.
(Fix) Tuned AI Collective, lowered mass reduction on range modules from 75% reduction to 50% reduction.
(Fix) Tuned multiple settings on Nanonics for balance and to prevent a divide by zero error that was causing crashes when combined with AI Collective. Mass Reduction: Sensors -40%, Missiles -20%, Ship Range -20%, Ship Engines -30%, Point Defense -20%, Shields -40%, Beam Weapons -40%.
Version 1.1
(Fix) Natural Diplomats, bonus to diplomatic trade multiplier changed from Flat to Multiplier.
(Fix) Handy, was adding to maintenance instead of reducing it, this is now fixed.
(Fix) Organized, Was adding to maintenance instead of redusing it, this is now fixed.