As of November 2019, I cannot get this mod to work any longer. Anybody have any input?
It is a new computer, so there is a (small) chance I installed it incorrectly, but I would like to hear if anybody's tried to make it work anymore. -
I can get it to work for Crusade, as long as I use a very small number of civilizations. Anything over 9 opponents crashes during galaxy creation.
what do I need to remove to just get the abilities?
Use this mod for a long time, any plan to update this to the latest version?
Now let me start off by saying I LOVE your mod. but it doesn't seem to work at all as of v1.81 which really sadden's me. is there something I'm missing, I extracted all the files to the correct mods folder and even clean uninstall and reinstalled my game and mods and still nothing. is there anything else I can do? -
It appears that some of the traits are not working in 1.61, I can confirm that the game start isn't as well as the one that adds pop to your colony ships and construction cap to your constructors. hopefully we can get an update as I absolutely love these mods.
Hey there. The mod still seems to work just fine with 1.5, although the original trait list sometimes bugs out and says that things don't cost any points. Easy enough to just ignore the old traits so as not to intentionally exploit an obvious problem, and it doesn't seem to break the game or anything.
I will say, however, that it seems like this mod was balanced around a VERY different version of the game. I put together what I considered a fairly intuitive combination of your new stuff - the AI Collective Speciation package with some capacity increases and whatnot - and I was shocked to discover that I instantly had access to loads of tiles on many planets, with a cheap option to convert virtually all the rest. Moreover, the penalties stacked up within the Speciation package seemed, well... totally unnoticeable. Maybe that's because I got lucky with starting position and actually had planets to colonize, but man, the game was basically over before it began.
I don't think the power of being able to near-instantly access a cluster of connected tiles can be overstated, though. It's a really, really big deal - and the central building I was building granted an insane +4 adjacency bonus to both research and manufacturing. I don't know if that's something you added, or if it's in the base game, but it seems incredibly broken.
I'm going to uninstall your mod and play around with the vanilla options. If I discover that the game seems similarly unbalanced with a vanilla custom race, well, I guess that's that then. -
how do i create my own triats please....help..meeeeee......
Are your diversity mods compatible with 1.4? I've enjoyed them very much. 1.4 seems to be giving me trouble with them though.
The RaceTraitSlider file is generating a double traits window in the races editor.