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By Daggerlas
An ancient Velothi tower on the coast of the West Gash, for a tranquil and secluded retreat fitting
of the Nerevarine. The tower has plenty of storage space for displaying personal items and trophies,
allowing you to create a muesum of your accomplishments. With a travel route from Gnaar Mok, this
isolated home is perfect for the master adventurer seeking a quiet and comfortable retreat.
- Free Velothi Tower with two main floors.
- Secluded and Tranquil island off the coast of the rugged West Gash Region.
- Lots of empty shelves, tables and desks for your personal museum.
- Small dining area with crates and barrels for food storage, as well as shelves.
- Many safe storage containers.
- Situated far away from civilisation, for a peaceful retreat.
- Two planters from different regions of Vvardenfell, the Bitter Coast and Ascadian Isles.
- A boat from Gnaar Mok for traveling to and from Thurndal. See Farwil Ulvani at the docks.
Installation Instructions:
1) Copy the Thurndal v1.0.esp file.
2) Paste into your Morrowind directory, in the following file path:
a) Morrowind\Data Files
b)If you've installed via Steam, here is a quick file path to find where your Morrowind
directory is:
i) Steam\steamapps\common
3) Make sure to activate this in your data files so its used in-game. In terms of load order,
put this mod below any mod that alters the landscape in any form. There might be conflicts,
you have been warned.