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Drake Knight Armor and Weapons v1.0
released on 12 January 2011
Category: Weapons and Armor
Author: jojjo ([email protected])

Adds armor and sword sets to the game. Enchanted and unenchanted versions.

The latest official patch: Oblivion 1.2.416 or Oblivion Shivering Isles1.2.416.
The items may not appear ingame if you don't have the patch installed.

7-zip (File archiver with a high compression ratio).

WARNING! High polygon count of the models could affect your framerate.

All the armor parts and swords are placed in Culotte Ruins - SouthEast of Imperial City.
Check the first level for some of the items and the second level for the rest.
Hint: Look for a crystal to activate a secret door.

1.Extract the downloaded archive using 7z. Place the folders "Meshes", "Textures" and Drake Knight Armor and Weapons v1.0.esp into your Oblivion/Data folder. "Yes to all" when asked.
2. In Oblivion Launcher, click "Data Files" and place a checkmark beside Drake Knight Armor and Weapons v1.0.

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files and uncheck Drake Knight Armor and Weapons v1.0.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod:
Oblivion\Data\meshes\armor\DragonSpirit folder
Oblivion\Data\meshes\weapons\DragonSpirit folder
Oblivion\Data\Textures\armor\DragonSpirit folder
Oblivion\Data\Textures\weapons\DragonSpirit folder
Oblivion\Data\Textures\menus\icons\armor\DragonSpirit folder
Oblivion\Data\Textures\menus\icons\weapons\DragonSpirit folder

Incompatibility and Known Issues or Bugs
None I know.

Contact the author
[email protected]

Thanks to Bethesda for the best games and the oportunity given to us to mod'em (The Construction Set in this case).
Thanks to Visman for the additional dungeon where one of the marauders is.
Thanks to Painkiller97 for allowing me to use one of his textures from "The Forgotten Shields" mod.
Thanks to Robert for the best male body.

Tools Used
TES Construction Set
3ds Studio Max

If you use any part of this mod in yours, please, give credit where it is due.
Please, contacting me before reupload any of these items. I would like to know what happens with them.