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Does anyone know where I can find this retexture?
thank you for the grate mod but for some reason it keeps getting unassigned in NMM and it is blank on the item bar at trader at skingrad, do you have any suggestions ?
If there was a dislike button i would have press it! couldnt you have wrote in your description about the fact that its two f*#@ing high level vampires exageretadely full of HP that wears and protect the armor's parts?? Thank you very much! Grand dadais!?
This armor is EPIC! Its beautiful. It looks great on my Moon Shadow Elf. Even though it was designed for male, It does convert to female form. Nice work. It takes its place among my other armors you have made. I'm starting to get a collection of your armors, ie, Lich King Armor, Silverlight Armor, Dread Knight Armor, And now this one. This one has become my favorite. The level of detail, in the textures is fantastic.
Why is this Still Crashing NMM? I downloaded the Manual Install & it never completes always crashing while loading to the NMM, i have asked for this to be fixed about a year ago... Can you please take a look at this & finally FIX this...
How could a mod that was released in Jan 2011 and last updated on Oct 7 2011 (all long before NMM was even dreamed of) suddenly become NMM compatible? Some things fall under the category of wishful thinking.
The install instructions are pretty basic stuff. If you absolutely must use NMM you could download manually (that is NOT the big green Download with Manager button), extract it with 7-Zip and then see what has NMM all chocked up (my guess is the folder structure, but I'm not downloading just to see). Repackage in manner that NMM can understand and then use NMM.
Or you could just right click copy/right click paste ... it's not rocket science.
Awesome & beautiful armor (+weapon) set: took me a while to defeat the bad guy wearing the real enchanted deal. Thank you very much for this gem. Kudos & endorsed of course.
Great armor for a male elf. I have it in Morrowind also.
Will you be porting this to Skyrim?