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About this mod

Community Shaders feature which adds a collection of realistic wetness and weather effects to Skyrim. Supports SE, AE, and VR.

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Community Shaders feature which adds a collection of realistic wetness and weather effects to Skyrim. Supports SE, AE, and VR.


Rain wetness introduces a physically modeled rain system that tracks precipitation, runoff, and evaporation depending on the weather. This allows rainwater to build up gradually over time and stick around after the weather changes just like in the real world.

When it is raining, characters and surfaces appear wet.

Wetness effects physically model a layer of water on top of objects and leverage dynamic cubemap reflections to give a far more realistic appearance of wetness than approaches that simply adjust an object's specular reflection.


Once it has rained long enough, puddles form and stick around after it has stopped raining until they eventually evaporate based on the weather.

Raindrop effects

While raining a variety of splashes and ripple effects have been added:
- Objects will show visible rain drops as they land, and raindrops will drip down the sides of walls.
- When raindrops hit a puddle they will show ripple effects, and when enough drops are hitting the puddle chaotic ripples will appear.
- Precipitation occlusion is used to ensure that raindrops effects are only shown on uncovered surfaces.


Shores near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and seas will appear wet.


Community Shaders


riverwood: Rain wetness precipitation and evaporation logic, wetness and puddle enhancements.
doodlez: Shore wetness, better pbr-based wetness effect, dynamic cubemaps integration, and puddles.
ProfJack: Raindrop effects