(Now High Poly) RaceMenu Presets for Expressive Facegen Morphs
(Ultimate Body Enhancer) Patch Compendium - UBE
Needed for textures |
10 Men of Skyrim
2n2's racmenu face and bodyslide preset pack
3BA Racemenu presets Pack 2024
A Young Handsome Preset
Acadia FacePreset
Required |
Accurate RaceMenu Series Jill Valentine
ACOTAR Feyre Archeron Character Preset
Acursed Nyr - Nord Character Preset - RaceMenu
Adalei - Breton Preset
Adella DeSanta Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA
optional |
Aella female nord racemenu preset
If you want the same eyes |
AEN Lydia Follower Replacer
Read the description! |
Hard requirement |
Aerwae - Female Wood Elf - Racemenu Preset - BHUNP
eyes |
Aessia - Female Imperial HPH Racemenu Preset
Aether and Tartaglia eyes for SE
unless you rename the files to replace different eyes |
Agrippa Sirus an Imperial HP racemenu preset
Soft requirement |
Ahixea - High Poly Nord Preset
Ahlyre - High Poly Nord Preset
Aida Redguard - Race Menu Character Preset
Aisha - Redguard Preset
Akaviri Men - Asian Male RaceMenu Preset (lighter skin tone)
Not really required. I'm just recommending it because I used it for this preset. |
Akaviri Men - Asian Male RaceMenu Preset (medium skin tone)
Not really required. I'm just recommending it because I used it for this preset. |
Akaviri Race Dunmer Preset Male and Female
Alana face preset and bodysilde preset Breton
needed |
Alawsse Mosshollow Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA
optional |
Alban Nyr - Dark Elf Character Preset - RaceMenu
Alea RM Preset
Alec -Imperial Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Alelsa Racemenu Preset
Alessa Salvage a Hi Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
Alessia - High Poly Head Female Preset
Alessia high poly imperial preset
Alethia Vancross- Holy Poly Imperial Assassin
One of the best eye mods out there, not a requirement, just a suggestion! |
Alevtina face preset (Nord)
Alex - Highpoly Female Nord Racemenu Preset
Optional - for same eyes |
Alexandria The Golden A High Poly Imperial Preset
Alexandria Vampire v2.0
hard requirement |
Alexandria(Allex) Racemenu Preset v 2.0
hard requirement |
Aleya The Elf - Follower and RaceMenu Preset
Required for RaceMenu Preset |
Aleyna Tilki - Character Preset
Alicia - Female Nord High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
Alivia Preset - And Charlize Theron - Simdrew1993
She uses these, they have custom and default replacement. She uses the custom ones, Eyes of Beauty Player |
Allexa Preset
Ally High Poly Preset
for the eyes |
Aloy - a Nord preset
Alune nord female preset
Alyn Shir for COtR
Alyth - A realistic feminine HPH (High Poly Head) Racemenu Preset.
Hard Requirement. |
Aman Jean-Pierre - A COtR Preset
You can substitute the eyes from this mod with one of the default eyes from COtR, if you'd rather not download this. |
Amani Redguard Racemenu Preset
Amaya Vampire and Human Racemenu Presets High Poly and Standard Version
If using a Human Preset |
Amber - Breton Preset
Amber - High Poly Nord Preset with Bodyslide Preset Included
Amelia - Wood Elf Preset
American Singers for COtR
Amethyst - A Natural Breton RaceMenu Preset
The eyes I used in screenshots |
Amira face preset
Amy - Nord Preset
An-Yu - An Argonian preset
Anastasia Breton Preset for ECE
Android 18 Preset Nord female
Android 18 retouch
Angela - Redguard Preset
Ania A Beautiful High Poly and Standard Racemenu Preset
Anime Style Character Preset
For the Eyes |
Anna - Breton Racemenu Preset
Anna SSE - Nord Preset
Annarelle - CBBE 3BA and Breton RaceMenu preset by Layfey
Optional. needed only if you plan to use the RaceMenu preset. |
Annatar -The Lord of Gifts - AKA Sauron
annie face preset and bodyslide preset imperial
Anny - Imperial Preset for RaceMenu
Anokka - Character Preset
Antje Traue for COtR
Antonia High Poly Preset
AntoniaRE Racemenu Preset
Antonnette - Imperial Preset
Anuketh's NPCs Replacer Overhaul AIO (All-In-One) - Optional ESP - Vanilla Compatible - Face Only
Not required, but consider downloading the original source! |
Apollo Creed - Carl Weathers Preset
Aramyn - a CotR Altmer - High Elf preset
Aranaen - a HighPoly High Elf Preset
Arcadia - High Poly Nord RaceMenu preset
Arcadia the SnowElf V2 - High Poly Nord RaceMenu preset
Areei's Aela - Aela The Huntress Replacer
Areei's Njada - Njada Stonearm Replacer
Argonian Retexture SE 4K 2K 1K
NOT Hard Requirement. I may have accidentally forgot to disable this when I took the screenshots (My bad!). |
Arinara female Nord preset
for the eyes |
Arius Stone-Heart - A RaceMenu Nord Preset
Arlan the Prophet
To get the lovely eyes added by this mod. |
Artemis Racemenu Preset
For eyes |
Arwen - HIgh Poly Wood Elf Preset
Aryo Character preset
For Eyes |
Asami High Poly Asian Preset
Asha - High Poly Female RaceMenu Preset for Expressive Facegen Morphs
Soft Requirement |
Ashaira Racemenu Preset
Ashara Quin'vail - A Dunmer Preset for Racemenu
Optional |
Ashasa Romantic Outfits - Victoria the Vendor High Poly Head.
Required for the eyes of beauty option. |
Ashley A High Poly Nord Preset
Asian Fashion Model - Akaviri - HPH - CBBE - Racemenu Preset
Asian Female Head RaceMenu Preset AE
if you want the same eyes (pre 0.5) |
Asian Lady - Akaviri - HPH - CBBE - Racemenu Preset
Askeladd - Vinland Saga Racemenu Preset
if you want the exact eye texture |
Aslagg For RaceMenu
Aslaug - Female Nord HPH Racemenu Preset
Asmondea-RaceMenu-HighPoly-Nord Preset
Ass Ass's (not High Poly) Face Presets
i use these |
Astriid Preset (Nord)
Astrrtur the Calm
Atlantia High Poly Preset
Atlantia-RE High Poly Preset
Atticus - High Poly Breton RaceMenu Preset
Audrey - Female Imperial High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
Audrienne - Breton Girl for Skyrim SE
Auraes - Half Elf Breton RaceMenu Preset
Aurissa - High Poly Snow Elf Preset
Aurora - A Wood Elf Preset
For the Eyes |
Aurora Racemenu Preset
Avalonia High Poly Preset
for the eyes |
Azula - Breton preset
B and B NPC Replacer
(Soft Requirement) Install if NPC are having purple untextured or blank eyes |
Baldur's Gate 3 - Raphael HPH RaceMenu Preset
Barb Barian high poly nord for racemenu
Barbieblo UBE Preset
(Soft Requirement / Optional) - Eyes |
Basic female character presets only 1 per race
I also have the elves edition |
Basoga Gra-Ushar- Orc RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Beautiful Face Preset CBBE
Bec Character Preset
Bec Character Preset - REDUX
Use this or your preferred eye mod. |
Bella High Poly Preset
Bella Preset
Bella Thirn A Hi Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
eyes |
Belle A Beautiful High Poly and Standard Racemenu Preset
Bess - High Poly Imperial Preset
Beth - Female Wood Elf High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
Beynjolf - A Hot Male Follower
Beyond Skyrim - Brumas Females
BG3 Shadowheart HPH racemenu preset
BiR's Remiel RaceMenu Preset - HPH
Bishop - Nord Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
BjrnSkar Nord Male Racemenu Preset
should be humanNightBlue |
BlackPink JiSoo - Preset
Bloodline Creations - Mythos Racemenu Pack
Required for most preset's eyes |
Bowsette - Racemenu Preset
Brenda - Breton Preset
Breton Exile - Male - Highpoly Head - Racemenu Preset
Breton Mage Preset
Breton Male Astarion
Breton Milf Preset
Briana - Wood Elf Preset
Brianna Swift HP Nord Preset
Soft requirement |
Brida - High Poly Breton Female Preset
Brina - Female Nord HPH Racemenu Preset
Brittany Face Preset
Brynja - High Poly Female RaceMenu Preset for Expressive Facegen Morphs
Soft Requirement |
BUFFY celebrities for COtR
Busty Maidens Of Skyrim
player and npc edition, esp update |
Caillea - High Poly Nord Preset for RaceMenu (face and body)
REQUIRED. You won't be able to use the eyes in the screenshots without it. |
CAIN - A Redguard Racemenu Preset
For the eyes |
Calliope - High Poly RaceMenu Preset
You need this to have her eyes. |
Cals Vampish Milf Racemenu preset
Calypso Bodyslide and Racemenu Preset
Calypso Racemenu Preset
Cara - A Female Nord Racemenu Preset
Cara Delevingne - A RaceMenu and Bodyslide Preset
Carina Cyerdja- Redguard RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Carmel - Beautiful Imperial Racemenu Preset
Casavir - An Imperial Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Cassandra Alt Version Female Imperial Preset
Cassandra Pentaghast DAI for COtR
Cassandra the Ranger - Breton Female Sliders
To change the looks of the eyes of your character. |
Castlevania Protagonist RaceMenu Preset Pack
CBBE LydiaLacey Preset
Celeste - Dark Elf Preset
Celestial Elegance - Preset
Celine Greenbough- High Poly Bosmer Archer and Assassin
One of the best eye mods out there, not a requirement, just a suggestion! |
Chao's Lydia Lite SSE
Charlotte - High Poly CBBE Imperial Preset with bodyslide included
CHARMED celebrities for COtR
cheekibreeki997's RaceMenu Presets
Chloe Female Nord Preset - High Poly Head
Chloie - Breton Preset
Chole -Female Redguard Preset
Christie - High Poly RaceMenu Preset
Chun-Li racemenu and bodyslide preset
Cienna Jeanitte- Breton RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Ciri Racemenu High Poly Preset
Cirynae - A Racemenu Preset
Claire - Breton Preset
Claire the Sellsword (Redguard Racemenu Preset)
Optional |
Connie Breton Race Menu Face Preset
Need for her Eyes. |
Cornelius - Imperial Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Cortana Halo Series
for eyes in pictures. |
COtR - Narnia White Witch Preset for Racemenu - Simdrew1993
COTR celebrities for FUN pack 1 definitive edition
COTR Celebrities for FUN pack 6
CotR Preset - Bonnie
CotR Preset - ESO Altmer Hero
CotR Preset - Evelyn
CotR Preset - Ingrid
Note: You will also need the CotR x The Eyes of Beauty patch for the mod to work with CotR. I can't link it since CotR's author has set his mods to hidden |
CotR Preset - Izaar
CotR Preset - Kalan
CotR Preset - Keanu Reeves
CotR Preset - Mazhra
CotR Preset - Melora
CotR Preset - The Mighty Nein - Beauregard Lionett
CotR Preset - The Mighty Nein - Jester Lavorre
CotR Preset - Zara
CotR Preset Pack - Elven Mages
CotR Preset Pack - Imperial Citizens
CotR Preset Pack 1
CotR Preset Pack 10
CotR Preset Pack 11
CotR Preset Pack 2
CotR Preset Pack 3
CotR Preset Pack 4
CotR Preset Pack 5
CotR Preset Pack 6
CotR Preset Pack 7
CotR Preset Pack 8
CotR Preset Pack 9
COtR Racemenu Preset - Nord-Elf Female
COtR The Witcher celebrities for Fun
strongly recommend |
COtR x The Eyes of Beauty - Updated Patch
Courageous Women of Skyrim - Celebrity Edition - Followers and Presets
For Presets ONLY |
Courageous Women of Skyrim - Followers Edition
For non-standalone version only |
Dae - High Poly RaceMenu Preset Wood Elf
Daedric Queen Natalia
Daena An Elf Looking CBBE NORD RACEMENU Preset
Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones Racemenu Preset
Daenerys Targaryen ASOIAF Racemenu Preset.
Dahlia Character Preset for RaceMenu
Soft Requirement |
Dame de Montbarron
Danuta - Breton - Preset
Daphne - Imperial Preset
Dar'Mora Preset
Dari Race Menu Body CBBB Preset by Cumkeys
Darius the Hand of Noxus
only if you choose to download the character preset |
Dark Desires Club
Dark Elf Demon Babes - Racemenu Presets
Dark Elf Preset Zia
Dark Knight Havel RaceMenu Preset
Darren - Breton Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Daughter Of Dibella High Poly Head RaceMenu Preset For Bretons
For the eyes |
Dawn From Pokemon Preset In Skyrim
for eyes in pictures |
Deedlit - UBE Racemenu Preset
Required. |
Dejah Roux busty Breton Racemenu preset
Delana Convey The Goblin Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA
optional |
Delariel Dunmer Dommy Mommy Preset
Delphine -High Elf RaceMenu Preset
Deneve - Female Redguard High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
Devola (Nier Inspired Preset)
For eyes |
Dezirae Standard and Hi-Poly Head Follower and CBBE 3BBB version
For eyes |
Dhara Nord Racemenu Preset - High Poly
Diana - Imperial Racemenu Preset (CBBE - Bodyslide)
Diedra - A Character Preset
Diedra Norn HP Nord Racemenu Preset
Soft requirement |
Dietrich - Female Nord High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
DINAH - A high Poly Racemenu Preset BRETON
Divayth Baal - Character Preset - LoreRim compatible
Vampire eyes as shown in screenshots |
Doji Breton preset
Dovahkiin Dragonborn - Skyrim 10th Anniversary Racemenu Presets
Drengar - Nord Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Duncan De la Fonte - A Breton Preset for Racemenu
Optional |
ECE preset No. 10
ECE preset No. 11
ECE Preset No. 4
ECE preset NO.1
ECE preset No.2
ECE preset No.3
ECE preset No.5
ECE preset No.6
ECE preset No.7
ECE preset no.8
ECE preset No.9
Edea-RaceMenu-HighPoly-Breton Preset
Eden - High Poly NORD RaceMenu Preset
Edited - UNP Female Body Renewal - A female face and body replacer (PG Version)
Eevi - Maiden of Kynareth ( High Poly Head )
Eileen - a Breton character preset (RaceMenu)
Choose between this one or EBSER |
Eilria - HighPoly Breton Character Preset - RaceMenu
Optional |
Elania Araxina- Unseelie (Faerie Elves) RaceMenu Preset
Elara A High Poly Dark Elf Preset
Elden Rim Queen Marika HPH racemenu preset
Elena - Hight Poly Imperial Preset
ElfNord Girl Preset
Elinor - High Poly Head Racemenu Preset - Bosmer - Two Hair Options
elves edition |
Elisa face preset high poly
soft |
Elisif The Fair High Poly Head and Ks Hair
Required for the eyes of beauty option. |
Elizabeth - Breton Racemenu Preset.
Elizabeth - Imperial Preset
Elizabeth Bioshock for COtR
Ella Nyr - Nord Character Preset - RaceMenu
Elly Nord RaceMenu Preset - High Poly Head - HDT-SMP Physics Hair
Elric of Melnibone - Racemenu Preset
Elruin HPH Preset
Elsa Jean - Female COtR Preset
Elsa Jones a Hi Poly Nord Racemenu preset
Elva A Lovely Luna Racemenu Preset
Elvana - Racemenu - Nord - Preset
Elvara the Dwemer SE
Needed for the elven eyes |
Elven Fantasy
Elven Priestess Racemenu Preset
Elves of Tamriel Race Menu Presets
Elyse - Realistic High Poly Wood Elf Preset
Elyse Racemenu Preset - High Poly and Standard Versions
Elyssa - Breton Racemenu Preset
Optional |
Emeri's Presets All in One
Emily - Breton Preset
Emma face preset and bodyside preset IMPERARIAL
Empress Kintyra Septim II - Racemenu Preset
Enchanted Auburn - Preset
Endeavour's - Female Character Presets Pack
Eyes - used in preset |
Enter The Dragon - HPH - HIMBO - RACEMENU Preset
Erica - Herika Replacer
Softblue eyes |
Erika (Character Preset)
Erika - Beautiful Nord Racemenu Preset
Erisssa Thallery
Hard requirement |
Erodir male Bosmer preset (LoreRim compatible)
Eskee(Leilani) Preset
Esme Wood Elf Racemenu Preset - High Poly Version Only
Esmerelda Character Preset (Special Edition)
Esmerelda Fuentes Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA
optional |
ESO Orjinal Fragman Preset
ESPFE HPH Follower Cleopatra
Hard requirement for face preset. |
ESPFE HPH Follower Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa
Hard requirement for face preset. |
ESPFE HPH Follower Wendy
Hard requirement for face preset. |
Ester - High Poly Female RaceMenu Preset for Expressive Facegen Morphs
Soft Requirement |
Estera the Huntress - Female Nord LowPoly RaceMenu preset
Ethel - High Polyl Dark Elf Preset
Etherynne - a HighPoly High Elf Preset
Eve - Nord Preset
Evelyn - High Poly Racemenu preset
Evie Frye from Assassin's creed syndicate
Evyra - A High Poly Dunmer Preset
Eyelashes with Haircolor Sync - Starsight Addon
Needed for the patch |
Faarok The Norse God - A Male Character Preset and Follower
Optional |
Face preset
Face Preset Voeneg Nord
Falaru - Female Dark Elf HPH RaceMenu Preset
Faldonir - A High Poly Male Bosmer Racemenu Preset
Fallion RaceMenu Preset
I use all of its add ons but they aren't required |
Fares - Imperial Male - High Poly Preset
recommended for same appearance |
Farlivere Mondara Racemenu Preset
Fartmonger's Preset Collection
soft requirement |
Fausticina Lores daughter of Fausticina -High Poly- EFA
optional |
Female Dunmer preset
Female Face Preset SE 1 and CBBE Body Preset V2 SE
Female Face Preset SE 2
Female Face Preset SE 3
Female Face Preset SE 4
Female Faces by Seph
Female Imperial preset
Female Preset for RaceMenu
Female Racemenu Presets
Female wolf Lykaios
Feyara Fae - Preset
Fiona For RaceMenu
Flarestar and Harmon (RaceMenu Character Presets)
Flora - High Poly Racemenu preset
Florence preset
Florinna Mondara
Follower Galadriel - blessed by Meridia ESP-FE
credit |
Freija - High Poly RaceMenu Preset Nord Warrior
Freja - Nord Racemenu Alpha Preset
Freya-Nordic Warrior and Assassin Preset
Freydis - 3BA BodySlide preset
FRIENDS celebrities for COtR
Friga - Female Nord HPH Racemenu Preset
Frost Preset
not required but recommended |
Futuni Face Preset
Gabriela - Human preset
Gabriele - A High Poly Dark Elf Preset
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman COtR Preset
GALADRIEL - A high Poly Racemenu Preset HIGH ELF
Galadriel - Cate Blanchett LotR Altmer High Poly Preset
for the eyes |
Galatea - Female High Elf High Poly Head RaceMenu preset.
GALATHEA - A high Poly Racemenu Preset ALTMER - HIGH ELF
hard requeriment |
Game of Thrones Celebrities for fun pack 2
General Chadullius
Georgie - A HighPoly 3BA Follower or Replacer for Lydia-Jordis-Iona-Mirai-Remiel-Recorder-Sofia and RaceMenu Preset
Requred for Preset (Use this or the remaster) |
Ghakish - Female Orc HPH Racemenu Preset
Ghislaine - Mushoku Tensei racemenu preset
Gianna Heron RaceMenu Preset By ATR
For 1.0 and 3.0 versions. For her blue eyes |
GigaChad - RaceMenu Preset
probably not required but just incase |
GK Elf Follower Pack Special Edition (This mod will not be updated anymore.)
It is recommended not to invalidate esp. |
GK Female NPC Replacer Special Edition (This mod will not be updated anymore.)
You should also install The Eyes of Beauty SSE - Elves Edition with it. |
GK Follower Cyndy (High Poly Head) (This mod will not be updated anymore.)
It is recommended not to invalidate esp. This is required for both Ver. 1.5 and Ver. 1.4. |
GK Follower Pack Special Edition (This mod will not be updated anymore.)
It is recommended not to invalidate esp. |
GK Followers SE (This mod will not be updated anymore.)
It is recommended not to invalidate esp. |
GK High Poly Head Preset
If you have other eye mods that you want to use, you can use them instead. |
Golden Radiance - Preset
Gorodskoy Tip's Racemenu Presets
Grace Dagger-Dancer
Griffin Racemenu preset
Grima The Runecaster (Character Preset)
Grimnir - warlock trell for RaceMenu
Grimvar - A High Poly Male Nord Racemenu Preset
Gwendolyn - a unique Breton preset
(for eye option 2) |
Gwyn Tumernril Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA UPDATED
optional |
Hana - Breton Preset
Hanna - A Face and Body Presets (BHUNP)
For the Stand alone Face Preset and For the Face And Body Preset |
Hanna - A Face and Body Presets (CBBE 3BA 3BBB)
For the Stand alone Face Preset and For the Face And Body Preset |
Hanna - Beautiful Redguard Racemenu Preset
Haran - A High Poly Male Nord Racemenu Preset
Harley quinn
Hayaki Racemenu Preset High Poly Head
Hayley - Nord Preset
HAZEL - A high Poly Racemenu Preset for BRETON
hard requeriment |
Heather - Nord Preset
Helen - Female Breton High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
Helen - High Poly RaceMenu Preset
Helena - Redguard - Preset
Helga High Poly Head Preset
Heryx Barbarian - 3BA Face and Body Preset
Optional - Eyes looks |
High Elf Preset less ugly
High Poly Face Preset - Bell
High Poly Face Preset - Karly
High Poly Face Preset - Katie
High Poly Female Elven Trio Racemenu Preset Pack
High Poly Head Preset Pack - Orc Redguard Altmer
Optional - for same eyes |
High Poly Head SR Preset
High Poly Nord Preset - Nanna Frifyne
High Poly Presets Nord-Freya
Please use but not required |
High poly presets vol.1
High Poly RaceMenu Presets
High Poly Redguard Preset - Vilani Navori
High poly1.4 Racemenu ELF CBBE 3BBB Preset
Highpoly presets - breton - altmer - dunmer - redguard - nord -
Hikari RaceMenu Preset And BodySlide
Hilda breton preset
Hilde the Fearless- Nord RaceMenu Preset for SSE
HIMBO Esper of Light I (Kreiste's Summoner Outfit Addon)
Hime Nyr - High Elf Character Preset
Historia RM Preset
Hlevala Sedri - Dunmer Racemenu Preset
Eyes |
Hope frost A Fugitive
Hot Blooded Amane The Cleaver Nord RaceMenu Preset
Yep you guessed .... or not ? |
Hot Girl (Face Preset) 1.1
Hot Springs - From nexus preset to nice followers Series. ESL
Required for textures |
HPH Preset - Miral
Humans of Tamriel (F) - High Poly Presets
Ice Spice Preset
IchDerMan's Character Collection
IFIRIT - Nord Male Preset
ILT Damn OMG Racemenu Preset
Imperial Girl Racemenu Preset
Inaya - Redguard High Poly Preset
Incubus personal assistant
Indica - A female Imperial Racemenu Preset
Infernal Abyss - Preset
Infernal Abyss MOMMY - Preset
Inga HPH Preset
Ingjarde the Pure High Poly ESPFE Follower
credit |
Inigo the Suave - High-Poly Replacer or Racemenu Preset
for Racemenu preset |
Insisous prereglage race menu et bodyslide
Irene - Female Dark Elf High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
Iris a Nord Racemenu Preset
green eyes |
Iris-Racemenu character preset. With High Poly Head options and now Expressive Facegen Morphs presets.
Isabel High Poly Preset
AI remastered version should work just fine |
Isabella racemenu preset
Isaya - Redguard Female Racemenu Preset
Isi - Asian-Akaviri Breton Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Isis High Poly Preset
Isobel - Imperial Preset
Issa - High Poly RaceMenu Preset Redguard
itllBuff - Laylee Preset
Only if you want the Eyes |
Ivan Drago - Dolph Lundgren - Nord Russian Preset
Ivar the Boneless - Vikings Racemenu Preset
Ivelisse - The Breton Necromancer -
Ivy (Character Preset)
Ivy Delores Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA
Ivy- Breton Racemenu Preset
Jacee - High Poly RaceMenu Player Character Preset
Jack - Redguard Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Jackie High Poly Preset
Jaina Proudmoore WoW RaceMenu Preset in Skyrim
for eyes in pictures |
Jala - Female Breton Racemenu Preset
Jane Giselle
Required |
Jane RM Preset
Jane SSE - Breton Preset
Janna imperial - Race Menu Character Preset
Jeeta - High Poly Female Nord Preset
Jenassa High Poly Head and Ks Hair
Required for the eyes of beauty option. |
Jennie - HP Racemenu Preset
Jennifer Connelly for COtR V2
Jennifer RaceMenu Preset
If you want an exact copy, if not you will probably get a random eye color? |
Jennifer The Elf Nord. High Poly-CBBE 3BA-BodySlide
Jenvieve High poly preset
Jeri Frostwind an HP nord preset
JH skyrim people 10 in one - fixes
Ji'Dar - Khajit Scout RaceMenu preset
For the eyes. |
Jia High Poly Asian Preset
Jill Valentine
required for same look |
JK's Skyrim - All in One - High Poly Heads and KS Hair.
Required for the eyes of beauty option. |
Joan Of Arc - RaceMenu Preset (High Poly)
Soft requirement (eye details.) |
Joanna Dark Perfect Dark Zero Vanilla Preset
v2.0 |
John Connor Preset
Jon Connington - A song of Ice and Fire Racemenu Preset
Jon Snow - Game of Thrones Racemenu Preset
Josie - HighPolyHead Preset
Juli's High Poly Human Presets
Julia Racemenu-Bodyslide presets and follower
Only needed for the preset |
Juliada - High Poly Gothic Preset
Juni A Beautiful NORD CBBE preset for Racemenu
Juniper - A CoTR Racemenu Preset
Juno - Dark Elf Preset
Just an Amasonic female preset
Este sirve muy bien |
Just my High Poly High Elf Preset I use
Jzarlis Balrohn a Dwemer Racemenu preset
Kaela Sinclair racemenu preset
Kaladin - Basic Companion mod
not sure but install just to be safe |
Kana UBE Preset
(Soft Requirement / Optional) - Eyes |
Kanu Female V3 CBBE 3BA (3BBB) Racemenu Preset
Kanye West Preset
eyes |
Karima Orgyrnne Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA
optional |
Karin - A Beautiful NORD Racemenu Preset - High Poly and Standard Versions
KARINA - Asian High Poly Racemenu Preset
Pick whichever eyes you want |
Karlygash - UBE asian girl preset and BODYSLIDE preset
Install UBE patch for this mod in the optionals of UBE source mod page, in download section |
Katalina High Poly Preset
Kate Denson Preset (Dead by Daylight)
needed |
Kateri Melanthi - High Poly Altmer Preset
Soft Requirement |
Katherine - High Poly Female RaceMenu Preset
Katherine McNamara High Poly Racemenu Preset - Core's Presets
Katy -High Poly Nord Preset
Katya - High Poly Head Preset
Katya Stark A Hi Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
Keishara Altmer Preset for ECE
Also needed is the Eyes of Beauty Elves Edition |
yes indeed |
Ken Barbie Ryan Gosling
Kenzie -Female Breton Preset
Khinara Jade 2 - RaceMenu Preset
Kiara - A Racemenu Preset
Kiara a Kelly redone
required for same look |
Kiasotori - High Poly Female Character Preset - RACEMENU
Kiassandra Dark Elf Racemenu Preset
Dont forget download Elves Edition |
Kinessa Racemenu Preset
King Varian Wrynn Preset In Skyrim
Kitty Preset
Kleo Racemenu Preset
Klepto Preset
not required but recommended |
Kora - HighPolyHead Preset
Kori - A High Poly Female High Elf Racemenu Preset
Koukawa Asuka racemenu preset
Kristianna RaceMenu Preset - Pale Redguard - High Poly Head - CBBE 3BA - KS Hairdos
Hard Requirement for eye color. |
Krystal - RaceMenu Preset - High Poly Head
KuroHana asian nord Semi realistc (3BA) racemenu preset
For Eyes |
Kurone Preset Package
Kurone Priscilla Elven Variant High Poly Nemesislol edit
Kurone Ria
Kurone Sorceress
KyatKin preset - CBBE
Kyle Reese Preset
Kynara - Female Nord Follower
Kynara - Racemenu Preset
Kyvie - High Poly Dark Elf Preset
Lady Astra The VVitch
Lady Death - Standalone Follower and Preset for SE
Lady Lorienn HPH face preset
Lady Silver Follower
ESP not required. Only the textures need to be installed. |
Laelette Dufont - High Poly Nord Dual Wield Follower ESL Flagged with Racemenu Preset Available
For the Racemenu Preset |
Lajla - Imperial Racemenu Preset
Optional |
Lana - High Poly Breton Racemenu Preset
Lara Croft turning point Character preset high poly
Larre Preset
LDD - Aretuza - NPC Overhaul (Guards)
Required |
Lea - Breton Racemenu Preset
Optional |
League of Skyrim - Akali Outfit (CBBE 3BA)
Only required if you want the Racemenu preset, along with the CotR patch for Eyes of Beauty |
Lenna - Nord Character Preset
Lenneth Naralina- Seelie (Faerie Elves) RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Lenore - Castlevania - RaceMenu Face Preset
Leslie high poly face preset
soft |
Lexa - High Poly Preset
Lexy Succubus race Preset
Lian and Mandy Racemenu Presets
Licentia Babe Neela
Lienia Sagethorn- Wood Elf RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Lilah Racemenu Presets High Poly and Standard Version
Lilian - Wood Elf Preset
Lilija Skald - A female Nord Racemenu Preset
Lilith - High Poly Dark Elf Preset
Lilith - Sultry Bosmer of Valenwood
Elves Edition |
Lilith the Dunmer (Darkelf Preset for Racemenu)
Essential |
Lillith-RaceMenu-HighPoly-Breton Preset
Lilly High Poly Preset
Linda Kristiansen -A Nord face preset-
Linda Wood Elf RM Preset
Lindenblatts Shadowheart Racemenu Preset
Linstra Galesheart
Soft requirement |
Lireth Racemenu Preset
Lisa - Female Wood Elf Racemenu Preset
(And elves edition) |
Lisa Racemenu Preset
Lisbeth face preset high poly
soft |
Lliryani - Dark Elf High Poly Racemenu Preset
Lorana Clarence - Breton Female Racemenu Preset
Lorana HPH Preset
Lore Accurate Satoru Gojo in Skyrim
For his hypnotizing eyes |
Loreley High Poly Head preset.
Mod para los ojos. |
LORIEN - A high Poly Racemenu Preset ALTMER - HIGH ELF
hard requeriment |
Loyava the Dragonborn (Nord Face and Body Preset for CBBE and Racemenu)
Optional |
Lucia - High Poly RedGuard Preset
Lucifer Celebrities for COtR
Lucy-RaceMenu-HighPoly-Nord Preset
Ludwig - Nord Knight Male Preset
Luetta - A Imperial Preset
Required for Look |
LuLu Final Fantasy X Preset
For her amber colored eyes. |
Luna - Nord Preset updated
Luna -Racemenu Preset
Luna of Teneryv - Realistic High Poly Imperial Preset
Luna SSE - Dark Elf Preset
Lunara - Moon Elf
lura Race Menu Body CBBB Preset by Cumkeys
LuV - Breton - Lolita
LuV - Dark Elf - Vicious
Optional as vampire, required for human |
Lydia Face Overhaul for Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia
Lydia HIgh Poly Nord Preset
Lyla - High Elf Preset - Racemenu
Required |
Lyla preset
Thanks for Autor |
Lymanthia Vultori (Succubus Race Menu Preset)
Soft Requirement |
Lysette Presets
Eyes |
Madame Winter
maeve face preset and bodyslide preset redguard
100% |
Mai Shiranui face preset
soft |
Male Nord Preset
nord eyes |
Male Orc Character Face Preset
Male Wood Elf Racemenu Preset - Qi
if you want the same eyes |
Malydryn - A Breton Preset
Marfirith - HP High Elf Preset
Marie Standalone Follower
Martin Dart Nordl HP male preset
Soft requirement |
Marvel's Blade - A High Poly Redguard Male Face Preset
(soft requirement) |
Mary Redguard Preset
Marygold High Poly Racemenu Preset Wood and High Elf
Maven the Ranger
Elves Edition |
Max Caulfield - Stinky preset
Max's Season 2 - RaceMenu Presets - High Poly - Low Poly - Male - Female
Maya - Wood Elf Preset
Mayvis UBE Preset
(Soft Requirement / Optional) - Eyes |
Megan - High Elf Preset
Megan A High Poly Nord Preset
Melody - Imperial Preset
meon1k NPCs
Recommended, choose this or the AI Remastered version |
meon1k NPCs - Alternate Start
Recommended, choose this or the AI Remastered version |
meon1k NPCs - Cutting Room Floor
Recommended, choose this or the AI Remastered version |
meon1k NPCs - Minor Uniques
Recommended, choose this or the AI Remastered version |
meon1k's RaceMenu Presets (High Poly Head)
MEREDITH - A high Poly Racemenu Preset BRETON
Merlindos presets collection for Skyrim SE AE (V 1.033)
You can use other mod if you want. |
Metal Gear Solid SKYRIM Preset - Venom Snake or Big Boss
Metal Gear Solid SKYRIM presets - Les Enfants Terribles
Michael B. Jordan
Miel - A Driinkin Race Preset
Miggyluv's Presets - Abazh (Orc)
Miggyluv's Presets - Agronak (Orc) Nolvus
Miggyluv's Presets - All-in-One
Miggyluv's Presets - Arad (Breton Imperial Nord Redguard)
Miggyluv's Presets - Arden (Bosmer)
Miggyluv's Presets - Bear (Imperial)
Miggyluv's Presets - Bethiba (Orc)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Cade (Nord)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Calendor (Altmer)
Miggyluv's Presets - Chara (Breton Imperial Nord Redguard)
Miggyluv's Presets - Dahne (Redguard)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Dalen (Nord)
Miggyluv's Presets - Devin (Breton)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Dorian (Breton) Nolvus
To match the photos |
Miggyluv's Presets - Drog'ur (Orc) Nolvus
To match the photos |
Miggyluv's Presets - Eariiel (Altmer)
Miggyluv's Presets - Edwyn (Breton Imperial Nord Redguard)
Miggyluv's Presets - Elisgvir (Bosmer)
Miggyluv's Presets - Elle (Altmer)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Faldas (Bosmer)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Galyn (Dunmer)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Gwion (Breton)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Jakus (Imperial)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Karif (Redguard)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Lilliva (Dunmer) Nolvus
Miggyluv's Presets - Lina (Imperial)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Llondryn (Dunmer)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Lovian (Altmer)
Miggyluv's Presets - Lyam (Breton)
Optional, to look like screen grabs |
Miggyluv's Presets - Lyra (Dunmer)
Optional, to look like screen grabs |
Miggyluv's Presets - Marco (Imperial) Nolvus
Miggyluv's Presets - Matthias (Imperial)
Optional, to look like screen grabs |
Miggyluv's Presets - Morten (Nord) Nolvus
Required |
Miggyluv's Presets - Paolus (Imperial)
Miggyluv's Presets - Rilli (Bosmer)
Recommended, to look like screen grabs |
Miggyluv's Presets - Riverwood Collection
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Roses (Breton)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - Sascha (Imperial) Nolvus
Miggyluv's Presets - Signe (Nord) Nolvus
Miggyluv's Presets - Skar (Nord) Nolvus
Miggyluv's Presets - Sonja (Nord)
Miggyluv's Presets - Tareion (Altmer)
Required to match the screen shots |
Miggyluv's Presets - Tomas (Imperial)
Miggyluv's Presets - Vander (Breton Imperial Nord Redguard)
Miggyluv's Presets - Venustus (Imperial)
Miggyluv's Presets - Vilyn (Dunmer)
If you want the same eyes |
Miggyluv's Presets - William (Nord) Nolvus
Optional, to look like screen grabs |
Miggyluv's Presets - Xoanon (Redguard) Nolvus
Miggyluv's Presets - Zhora (Orc)
If you want the eyes |
Mikasa RM Preset
Mikil - A Breton Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Milva The Red Kite - Witcher Racemenu Preset
Minerva - Wood Elf Preset
Mira- A high poly Asian follower esl-flagged and face preset cbbe 3ba
optional |
Miranda - Beautiful Breton Racemenu Preset - High Poly and Non High Poly
Mirili - A High Poly Female Dark Elf Racemenu Preset
Miss Autumn racemenu preset
better eyes |
Mommy Ann Mature Preset Racemenu
Morgan LaFray (High Poly Head)
optional |
Morgana-RaceMenu-HighPoly-Nord Preset
Morgyn - UBE Preset by ThreeStrik3s
Patch from UBE Patch Compendium required |
Mornni - Female Dunmer HPH Racemenu Preset
Morrigane - A Reachfolk High-Poly RaceMenu Preset
Mors NPC Edits - Jenassa the Meanie
Required only if you want to use the EoB variant that uses the eyes from this mod |
Moru'shu Racemenu Preset (High-Poly ORC)
if you want the same eyes |
Mothking's Looksmenu Presets
Mulvihill nord preset
MXT Ice Queen - PRESET - High Poly Head - Imperial
MXT Lucy - High Poly Racemenu Preset
My Charcter Preset - Racemenu
My Racemenu and BHUNP Bodyslide Presets
My simple high poly female presets for all races except argonian and khajiit
Another eye mod used, I picked the elves option too |
Myia - Nord Beauty (Low Poly RaceMenu Preset)
Myra - Dark Elf - Racemenu Character Preset
Player version |
Myrette - Racemenu preset
Myst SE
Nadia - High Poly Human x Elf Preset
Nalia - A High Poly Female Wood Elf Racemenu Preset
Nami Y racemenu Preset
Naomi Racemenu Breton Preset
Narita - High Poly Green Wood Elf
Elves Edition |
Nasli high poly face preset
soft |
Natallie Vaynelle Racemenu Preset -High Poly- EFA UPDATED
optional |
Natasha - Redguard Racemenu Preset
Required if you want the eye colour. |
Nekota the Wild Elf - High Poly RaceMenu Preset Wood Elf
Required |
Nephilia - High Poly High Elf Preset
Nguye Nyr - Redguard Character Preset - RaceMenu
Required |
Nicki face preset (High poly head)
soft |
Nikkichu - Dark Elf
Player + Elves Edition |
Ninirim Nyr - Nord Character Preset - RaceMenu
Ninya Irethyl- Dark Elf RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Nittasha RaceMenu Preset - Altmer (High Elf) - High Poly Head - CBBE 3BA - KS Hairdos
Probably optional, but I like these. |
Niva - RaceMenu preset
Nivara - High Poly Preset
Would need for exact look unless you want to use something else |
Nivenyr Nyr - High Elf Character Preset - RaceMenu
Nofertiti - Egyptian Princess - HPH - CBBE - RACEMENU PRESET
Noki - Racemenu Character Preset
Nord Female Preset (High Poly Head) - Aeowyn
Nord Female Preset (High Poly Head) - Elfwyn
Nord Female Presets (RaceMenu)
Nord Heros- A Preset Collection
Needed for Sparrow |
Nord Leah - Racemenu Preset
Nord Paladin Preset
Nord preset Kershtyn
Nord Ranger Preset
Nord Witch Preset for High Poly Head
NPC Visual Enhancements - Ebonvale Settlement
NPC Visual Enhancements - Helsmyrr Village
NPC Visual Enhancements - Solitude Expansion
Nubia - Molag Bal's last servant
Nyla - Racemenu Character Preset
Nyx Wood Elf Preset
for the piercing blue peepers |
Odette Annable Preset
for eyes in pictures |
Odine - Male Nord High Poly Preset
Odr Nord- Race Menu Character Preset
Okyo - A High Poly Asian (Nord) Preset
Probably the most popular eye mod for SSE |
Old Man Dovahkiin - Racemenu Preset
Olive- An Imperial Preset for Racemenu
Definitely essential |
Olivia - A Nord Racemenu Preset
Olivia face preset and bodyslide preset NORD
Opportunities for Happiness are Infinite
Orchy - Female Orc Racemenu Preset
Eyes |
Orgins of the Crimson Elves
Oryx's Nord Presets for Racemenu
Overlord Extra NPCs
Tuare's eyes |
P3ACH's RaceMenu Preset Variety Pack
Pamela High Poly Preset
Panther preset for Racemenu
better eyes |
Paola Racemenu Preset
For eyes |
Patrick Bateman - Christian Bale Preset
Peach Nyr - Nord Character Preset - RaceMenu
Peach Pitt Preset
Perry's racemenu preset collection
Eyes for Noromi, Ahri and Lux |
Persephone - RaceMenu Preset Set
Required. |
Persephone Revised
Pirotess - UBE RaceMenu Preset
Mandatory |
Pixie High Elf Hi Poly Race Menu Preset
For eyes |
PocaRosa Racemenu Preset
Poh Evil
Polina - Female - Redguard - RaceMenu Preset
Potema Septim the Wolf Queen - Racemenu Preset
Preset Elyzia the Fairy for Eltmer
Priscilla The Altmer (Character Preset)
Elves Edition |
Project Presets - Good Quality 42 Racemenu Presets - Also Modders Resources
Some presets use these eyes |
Pru Halliwell Preset for Racemenu
This is needed for proper eye design |
Psylia Thramal- High Elf RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Queen Ayrenn Racemenu Preset
Quinnivere Racemenu Preset
Quintus - An Imperial Preset for Racemenu and ECE
Optional |
RaceMenu Preset - Altia
Those dazzling Eyes. |
Racemenu Preset - Imperial - Asseglia
If you care about the eye color |
Racemenu preset 1
Racemenu Preset 2
racemenu preset dump
Racemenu Preset PACK by Qwet15
Racemenu Vampire Tabitha
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16185 |
Rachel - Nord Preset
Ragna the Red
Ragnar Lothbrok Racemenu Preset
Ragnar The Redguardian Nord Preset
(OPTIONAL) i think i used the eyes from this one |
Rajah - A High Poly Male Khajiit Preset for Racemenu
Soft requirement |
Rakiin - Male COtR Presets
You will also need the "COtR x The Eyes of Beauty - Updated Patch" to make its works with COtR. You can use the default eyes from COtR instead, if you don't want to download this mod. |
Raphaela (High poly Preset )
Rast - Female Redguard Racemenu Preset
Red Crimson - Male Men Breton with Elf Ears. Preset Racemenu.
Red Sonja Follower and Preset SE
Needed for eye assets |
Redhead Trinity
RedHeadAngel High Poly RaceMenu Preset
For the eyes |
Renfri A racemenu preset From the Witcher Short story The lesser evil.
Resident Evil Beauties for COtR
Reynei - A High Poly NORD Racemenu Preset
RFPP - Real Face Preset Project 1 - True Nords
Hard Requirement |
Rikku Final Fantasy X Preset
For 1.0A version. |
Rin - RaceMenu Preset (High Poly Head)
Require |
Rink The Nord Viking Presets
Rinria - Nord Preset
Risette Wood Elf Racemenu Preset
Riza - High Poly Imperial Preset
Riza High Poly Preset - The elf eared Nord
If you want these eyes |
Rodrick Heffley emo punk rock metal goth eboy preset
Roka the Warrior Orc (HighPoly and normal)
If you want the eyes. |
Rolanna - A Dunmer RaceMenu Preset
Soft Requirement |
Roma Preset
(optional) |
Rori - Blood Elf Racemenu Preset
Rosaria-RaceMenu-HighPoly-Breton Preset
Rose - Female Imperial Preset CBBE 3BA
Rose -Female Nord Preset
Rose Renewal - Racemenu Preset
Rosemary A Lovely Luna Racemenu Preset
Roxana High Elf
Required |
Ruby Of Riverwood
Ryan Gosling Blade Runner Preset
Ryleigh - A High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
Rynseina Character Preset Jslot and Bodyslide Preset
eyes |
Saadia of Riften a HIgh Poly Redguard Preset
sachi_hime96 High Poly Racemenu preset CBBE
Sagi (Female Wood Elf Racemenu Preset) SE
Samantha nord preset
Samantha RM Preset
Samir - A Redguard Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Sammy face preset and bodyslide preset
SamsyTheUnicorn's High Poly Character Compendium
Required for character presets. |
Sarah - Breton Female Preset
Hard Requirement |
Sarah - Breton Preset
Sarah High Poly Preset
Eyes |
Sarah Nord Preset
Sarya - A High Poly Beautiful Nord Preset
Satanika Follower
Saule - UBE racemenu preset and bodyslide preset
Warning! Use UBE patches for various of cosmetical mods! |
Scar - Redguard Male Preset
Scarface - Tony Montana - Al Pacino Imperial Male Preset
the eyes chico |
Schlongs of Big Fat Daddies (All in one)
optional |
Schlossy's Charekter Presets 2
Segesger Presets
Selma back from Sovngarde ESPFE Standalone Follower
credit |
Senara- High Poly RaceMenu Breton Preset
Ser Bronn of Blackwater
Serena Preset
Severa face preset high poly
soft |
Sexy Cellyna preset
recommended |
Shadow Preset
Shandi face preset high poly
Shargar The Ooorga Bahonkas - Highpoly Orc Preset
Shatanica an Imperial Race Elf
Shino Bowsette Face ECE and Body Preset
required |
Shinoa High Poly Preset
Shira - Nord Female RaceMenu Preset
Shiva Dark elf preset
Shylo - A High Poly Female Imperial Racemenu Preset
Sienna - A Female High Poly Nord Racemenu Preset
Sierra Mountblanc a CoTR Racemenu Preset
Soft requirement |
Sigreir - Female Nord HPH Racemenu Preset
Silver-Throat - Argonian Follower SE (Default - TBD)
For the Argonian War Eye |
Simon - Face Preset - SSE
Simone Simons - Racemenu Preset
Skuh's Breton Preset - RaceMenu
Skuh's Imperial Preset - RaceMenu
Skuh's Nord Preset - RaceMenu
Skuh's Redguard Preset - RaceMenu
Sky - High Poly RaceMenu Preset
Sky Preset and Alex NPC (The Unwanteds)
Skyrim SE High Poly Head RM Presets Pack2021 by Engeljess23
Smashing Lad
Sofia A Beautiful High Poly and Standard Racemenu Preset
Sofia High Poly Preset
Solaire High Inquesitor The Otter
Sonora A Lovely Luna Racemenu Preset
Sophitia Soul Calibur Preset In Skyrim
for eyes in pictures |
Soula - Racemenu Preset
Sparrow - A Vanilla Mesh Imperial RaceMenu Preset
SpongeBobHentai's Orcs
You can sue the other updates, you need the one esp |
Squizzes' Quality Female Nord Preset RaceMenu
Stardew Bachelorette HPH
Stargazer - hdt SMP (CBBE 3BA) and Follower
Required for optional follower |
Starlight (From the tv show The Boys) - Racemenu Preset
Starsight Eyes Resources and xEdit Swap Script
Needed for the Eyes of Beauty patches. |
Stefanie - Nord Preset
Stella - Nord Preset
Stranger Things Racemenu preset - Max
Styrkr - Breton Racemenu Preset - HIMBO Body
Sulia - A Dunmeri High-Poly Racemenu Preset
Summer Glau Preset
for eyes in pictures |
Sun-Xu - an Argonian preset
Sunnie and Stormy - HIgh Poly Nords Preset
Suzume - RaceMenu Preset (High Poly Head)
Require |
Svashni - Imperial High Poly Racemenu Preset
for the eyes |
Svelka - Imperial RaceMenu Preset
Swain male breton preset (NO highpoly head)
Swooderman's personal Argonian preset (3BA - CBBE) (Racemenu)
Not really required, but if you want the eyes from the face closeups then its there. |
Syahldrien - Altmer Preset
for the eyes |
Syahldrien a mysterious High Poly ESPFE Follower
credit |
Sylvan Ember - Preset
Sylvenus a Hi Poly Dark Elf Racemenu Preset
eyes |
Tabitha - Female Breton High Poly Head RaceMenu preset
Talan - A High Poly Male Redguard Racemenu Preset
Tamara -High Elf Racemenu Preset
Tarion preset for Racemenu
Tarja Turunen - PRESET
Tavern Tired hero RU
Tavern Tired hero. New House and Companions
Taviah - A RaceMenu Preset
Taylor Swift - Female Woman Nord Preset
optional |
Taylor Swift for COtR
Terra - High Poly Racemenu Preset
Thaliae - Highpoly Head - Racemenu Preset - Nord
The Alik'r Mercenary - A Male Redguard RaceMenu Preset
Highly Recommended |
The Boys a CoTR collection
Soft requirement |
The Breton - Half Elf Male Preset
The Brightest One - Sanguinius - Nord Racemenu preset
I've also used Eye Normal Map Fix. |
The Circle of Lust
only textures are required, used for NPC eyes |
The Druid - Wood Elf Female Preset
The Ebony Beauty Breton Racemenu Preset
Eyes of beauty on top of both |
The Eyes Of Beauty - Spanish
Obligatorio |
The Eyes Of Beauty SSE - All Races Patch (Including Vampires - Excluding Beast Races)
This patch only works if you have this mod installed. |
The Kinky Princess High Poly Heads and Ks Hair
Required for the eyes of beauty option. |
The Legend of Zelda - Dark Lord Ganondorf COTR Preset and DBVO Voicepack - Simdrew1993
For Ganondorf's Eyes |
The Originals CW COTR Character Preset Collection
For Eyes |
The Price Of Power - Male Necromancer Preset
The Prisoner
The Smoll Camilla high polli Preset
wink wink |
The Thin White Duke - David Bowie RaceMenu Preset
Required. |
The Witcher - Ultimate Character Preset Mod Pack
Theneras - Male Breton Preset for RaceMenu
THREE - Racemenu Preset
Tia - Face Preset
Tifa Lockhart face preset high poly
soft |
Tifa Lockhart for COtR Definitive edition
Tiffany A High Poly Nord Preset
Tila Race Menu Body CBBB Preset by Cumkeys
Tina - Wood Elf Preset
Tiniaa Presets - High Poly RaceMenu Presets
Tiniaa Presets Pack 2 - High Poly RaceMenu Presets
Titan Hero Adventurer Noble Outstanding Sentinel
If you want it to look like the pictures-You should download this mod anyway |
Titania - Divine Elf
Tormund Giantsbane Racemenu Preset
Trevayan Preset
for the eyes |
Trinity - RaceMenu Preset
Trinity for COtR
Trivsea Norvayn - Female Dunmer or Dark Elf Preset
True-Nord preset
Not really needed though, if you just want the eyes i have in the preset |
Tuliana - A Female Imperial High-Poly Racemenu Preset
Soft requirement |
Tunila Face Preset
tutu preset
TW3 Dettlaff and Regis RaceMenu HPH Presets
TW3 - Olgierd von Everec Racemenu HPH Preset
TW3 Anna Henrietta HPH racemenu preset
TW3 Ciri HPH Racemenu Preset
TW3 Syanna COTR Preset
you need ube patch |
Unila Redoran- A Unique Dunmer Preset
You'll need the 'Elves Edition' |
Unique Nord Female Presets
Ursilla - Female Nord Racemenu Preset
Eyes |
Uywe - High Poly Head Breton Face Racemenu Preset
essential |
Vadelma HPH preset
Valdana Barthurn - Female Breton Racemenu and Bodyslide Preset
optional but recommended! |
Vampire Princess Character Preset - Alyssa
Vampyr Hunter Girl - RaceMenu - Preset
extremely recommended |
Velia The Beauty - Custom Racemenu Preset
Ventrilla Face Preset
Venvyn Dark Elf - Face RaceMenu Preset - High Poly Head (Sacred Gold)
essential |
Verida Valinus- Imperial RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Vermicula the Crimson Elf
Veronica Racemenu Preset
Veronica Septimius an Imperial HP Racemenu Preset
Soft requirement |
Vex (A Nier Inspired Preset)
Vi - Female Nord CharGen
Vicni's Character Presets Collection
Needs both main file and elves edition file |
Vicni's racemenu female presets
Victoria - High Elf Preset
Victoria face preset
soft |
Victoria High Poly Preset
Vigdtur - Female Nord RaceMenu Preset
Vilandra - A Bosmer Preset
ElfDarkBrown |
Violet - Wood Elf Preset
Viona UUNP Preset
Visenya Targaryen Racemenu Preset
Waylander - Imperial Male Preset
Wendy - High Poly Breton Preset
Wild Ashlander Dunmer - High Poly Head Racemenu Preset
Willowmire - Racemenu Preset
Winter (Character Preset)
Wives of Skyrim - High Poly Npc Replacer
Optional For Wives to use The Eyes of Beauty Textures. |
Wodo's Aia Arria with Physics Wig (Fancy Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Birna with Physics Wig (North Variation CBBE NSFW)
Wodo's Brelyna with Physics Hair (Mage Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Bryling with Physics Wig (Fancy Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Elisif with Physics Wig (Fancy Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Elisif with Physics Wig (Silly Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Eris with Physics Wig (NSFW Pirate Variation)
Wodo's Faralda with Physics Wig (Mage Edition CBBE)
Wodo's Gisli with Physics Wig (Fancy Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Haran with Physics Wig (Northgirl Variation CBBE NSFW)
Wodo's Idgrod with Physics Wig (Mage Variation)
Wodo's Illdi with Physics Wig (Fancy Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Jonna with Physics Wig (Gwelda Variation CBBE NSFW)
Wodo's Julienne Lylvieve with Physics Wig (Gwelda Variation CBBE NSFW)
Wodo's Karita (Fancy Variation)
Wodo's Karita (Northgirl Variation)
Wodo's Lami with Physics Wig (Mage Variation)
Wodo's Muiri with Physics Wig (Basic Variation)
Not needed for Variations A & B. Needed for other variations. |
Wodo's Nirya with Physics Wig (Mage Edition CBBE)
Wodo's Pantea Ateia with Physics Wig (Fancy Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Sorli with Physics Wig (Northgirl Variation CBBE NSFW)
Wodo's Sybille with Physics Wig (Fancy Variation CBBE)
Wodo's Thaena with Physics Wig (Northgirl Variation CBBE NSFW)
Wodo's Ysolda with Physics Wig (CBBE Daily Wear NSFW)
Wolf's Player Preset (Nord Race)
Wolverine Character Preset
Wonder Woman Gal Gadot Preset In Skyrim
Wood Elf - Female Character Preset for Racemenu - UNP
Xena celebrities for COtR
Xena the Huntress (Bosmer (Woodelf) Preset for Racemenu)
Essential |
Xyla The Necromancer (Character Preset)
Yamaru Altmeri Mage Presets
Must download Elven Edition. |
Yasmin - Female Redguard RaceMenu Preset and Mesh
Yelena - High Poly Nord RaceMenu preset
YoRHa 2B for COtR
YoRHa 2B face preset
soft |
Ysyis preset for The Ancient Falmer
Optional if you wish to have other eyes than those of the mod |
Yui (Female Nord Racemenu Preset) SE
Yurie - A Racemenu Preset
Yuriko - Japanese RaceMenu Preset
Yvonne - a Breton necromancer
Zayla - High Poly Female Nord Preset
Zelda face preset
soft |
Zelesta Nord Preset
Zelina - High Poly RedGuard Preset
Zelina Ravenheart- Nord RaceMenu Preset for SSE
Zilpa - A High Poly Breton - RaceMenu Preset
Ziva - High Poly Female Nord Racemenu Character Preset
Zoelin - Female Breton Racemenu HPH preset
Zubiya - A High Poly Redguard - RaceMenu Preset
I think most people would already have this one. |
Zylana - High Poly Female Nord Racemenu Character Preset