About this mod
Bring elements from The Witcher to Skyrim! Signs, Potions, more than 40 Swords, new Ingredients, new Monsters, a new Worldspace, a new Skill Tree with 33 Perks and lots of new mechanics to use!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
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Hey! The description of this mod is quite big, but you don't need to read it all if you dont want to. However, there are some thing to note:
1 - If you are in doubt about why this mod is on Beta and if it will
2 - If you have any questions about the mod, I'll gladly answer them on the 'Posts' tab. But I advise you to read the description first, just so the comments don't get overflown by stuff that's already explained here :D
3 - If you are new to modding and/or just want to know about the mod's requirements, I suggest you to read "Requirements and Recommended Mods".
4 - People who want to make translations, patches or use assets from this mod should also read the "Permissions and Credits" tab above.
Note: In the description, important information will be marked in Blue.

- The new Worldspace (Kaer Fendargh) in not 100% done yet. Althought the Swamp is finished and the fortress can now be repaired, I want to expand the worldspace adding cave systems, a new huge city and some villages all without loading screens. These new areas will have quests and contracts.
- Create at least two questlines: (1) abou the Witcher Guild, rebuilding it with new recruits and discovering it's mysteries and a quest about a group of mages up to no good, and the introduction of a new guild of mage hunters, giving more uses for dimeritium.
-More integration between the mod and vanilla quests and NPCs, giving more importance to the Witcher Senses functionality.
-Misc improvements, like books, notes, npcs with things to say.
-New monsters and a fully functional notice board.

SKSE - Skyrim uses Scripts to make a lot of things happen in the game. For example, the Unrelenting force shout uses a script to send actor flying when you shout at them. These scripts uses Functions, like Unrelenting Force's "PushActorAway". SKSE adds new functions, which this mod uses, and won't work (and cause problems) if you haven't SKSE installed.
SKYUI - My mod has an MCM (a Menu that you can change some settings of the mod), which needs SkyUI to appear. It also uses some UI elements (bars like health, stamina and magicka) for some abilities, which also need SKYUI to be able to work.
Spell Perk Item Distributor - This mod, as the name states, adds perks, spells and items to NPCs based on an ini file. My mod uses it to add some perks and spells to NPCs. Without it, some mechanics won't work. Note: No need to use the xEdit scripts detailed on the mod's page, my mod already contains the file to make SPID work. Just download the main file and install it.
powerofthree's Papyrus Extender for SSE - This mod is required for the Axii Bounty Dialogue option, which uses one of the mod's script events, as well as some keyword functions that were implemented in version 1.38. Without it, the quest won't work and you may experience CTDs.
IMPORTANT: If Adrenaline Perk is not working (Adrenaline bar not showing when you hit someone in battle) and you are not gaining Witcher XP from hitting nemies in battle (can be checked on MCM), you need to uptade Microsoft Visual C++ to it's latest version, as it is required for "Spell Perk Item Distributor" to work. (Huge thanks to NateTheBoz for finding this out).

Custom Skills Framework - My mod adds a new skill tree. Since it's not tied to a vanilla skill tree, you can't see it in the skills menu. It's placed physically in the worldspace, inside the fortress. If you want to access it like the vanilla ones, you need this mod. Otherwise, not required.
Dynamic Animation Replacer - Witcher monsters use vanilla creatures as base. They use the same skeleton and animations of the creatures they mimic. In case of Ghouls/Alghouls is the vanilla wolf and Griffins/Archgriffins is vanilla dragons. The problem with these two creatures is that some of their sounds is tied to the animation itself. So you will hear Griffins making dragons sounds when flying or Alghouls barking when running. If you don't want this to happen, you need to install DAR, so my mod will use it to replace theses animations with ones with correct sounds without replacing the ones for vanilla creatures.

All Geared Up Derivative - So you can see both your witcher weapons on your back.
Bug Fixes SSE - This mod fixes an engine issue that makes Ability Spells stop working after some time if they have requirements. This can cause issues with my mod and also with other mods that use similar features.
*Combat Gameplay Overhaul - With CGO you can change grips (one handed / two handed) of the witcher swords and still have the sign on your left hand.
Deithwen - Witcher Inspired Home - If you want a Witcher home to stay while you are not slaying monsters.
Honed Metal - My mod let's you buy swords from blacksmith instead of crafting them, but only for Witcher swords. Honed Metal will let you do that for any weapon.
Missives - My mod still doesn't have Notice Board quests, but Missives dois it and it's really good.
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended and it's Fixed Scripts - So you can put the one-handed swords on your back, alongside with the next mod:
*Sadly it has incompabilities with some other mods.

This is the first quest and you can start it earlier in the game. You need to find the corpse (skeleton) in Helgen's cave (right after you cross the wooden bridge with Hadvar/Ralof).With the corpse you will find the starter Witcher swords (steel and silver), a medallion and a journal. Take verything and ready the journal to start the quest.
This quest will lead you to all five Sign Stones in Skyrim in which you can gain each of the Witcher's Signs to unlock a new power (Witcher Meditation) and the passage to the new worldspace (Kaer Fendargh).

This Quest has adjustable options on MCM:
-By default the Sign Stones don't have quest markers on them, so you will have to look for them as you explore. However, you can turn the quest markers 'on' if you are in a hurry. ('Quest option' page of MCM)
- You can skip the hunt for the Sign Stones, even if you haven't started the quest, by selecting the option to be given the Signs. ('Debug and Shortcuts' page of MCM)
- Find the corpse and take everything from its inventory. (Optional: Also take the swords if you want them)
- Read the corpse's diary to start the quest.
- You can now find the Sign Stones in any order, but the diary have information about the location of one near to Bleakwind Basin (Quen).
- After you find one, the quest markers for the other ones will appear on the map (toggle this option on MCM. Default is Off)
- Once you find all the Stones, you will receive a new power: Witcher Meditation.
-Go to DeepFolk Crossing (which is also mentioned in the journal).
- Find the passage going up the river and activate it (click on it) to go to Kaer Fendargh.

This quest starts automatically after you finish 'A Witcher's Adventure', when you get to Kaer Fendargh's worldspace. In this quest you will need to clean the Witcher Fortress surrounding of the monsters (Drowners). You will also gain a new power (Witcher Senses) that will help you complete the quest. There are no/few quest markers, meaning you will have to follow the clues and messages using Witcher Senses. The quest will also offer some information about the Witcher Skill Tree.
-Follow the path until you reach the swamp.
-Kill all the 11 drowners in the swamp. (ATTENTION: Don't use the console command "killall" or it will break the quest)
-You will receive a new power: Witcher Senses.
-Use your Witcher Senses Power near the gate to find out how to open it.
-With the right Sign equipped, activate the stone.
-Go to Kaer Fendargh and enter the fortress.
-A warning message will appear. Read it.
-Kill the spiders or go straight to the corpse up the stairs.
-Use your Witcher Senses to follow the trail. (Optional: read the note found on the corpse)
-Activate the mage's corpse.
-Kill the Wraith.
-Return to the main hall and read the message about the Skill Tree.

This quests start automatically after you complete 'Kaer Fendargh'. After the fortress is free of enemies, you will be able to restore all the rooms, which are empty for now. To do this you will need to hire a NPC to work for you. After you hire him, you will be able to pay him to restore one room at a time. There are 17 areas to restore. While the builder is restoring an area, you should leave Kaer Fendargh. Otherwise a message will appear and 24 more hours will be added to the construction (this only happens if you are in Kaer Fendargh in the exact time he would finish the job).
This Quest has adjustable options on MCM:
-You can change the amount of time to wait for the courier to deliver you an answer of a NPC looking for work, after you place a job offer on a Notice Board. This amount of time is a random number between 24h and the number you set. ('Quest options' page of MCM)
-You can change the amount of time the builder takes to restore an area of Kaer Fendargh. This amount of time is a random number between 48h and the number you set. ('Quest options' page of MCM)
-You can change the price of each area of Kaer Fendargh that you can rebuild. ('Kaer Fendargh options' page of MCM)
-Go to Riverwood and find the Notice Board.
-Click on the small wooden board to place a job note.
-Wait from 24 to 72h (Adjustable on MCM) for a courier to bring you a response.
-Read the response.
-Meet with the Builder in Rorikstead.
-Wait for the Builder to reach Kaer Fendargh.
-Meet the builder in Kaer Fendargh and ask him to rebuild the first part of the fortress (4 options).
-Wait 48 to 96h (Adjustable on MCM) for the process to finish. (ATTENTION: If you are in Kaer Fendargh's Worldspace when the hour count reach 0, it will add another 24h. Wait somewhere else).
-Everytime the Builder finishes a room, you can ask him to rebuild another, until all of them are finished. Some rooms require others to be rebuild first before they are valiable.

Sometime (random) during the quest 'Time for Some Changes, the builder will tell you he can't continue the job because someone has been stealing his shipments. If you want to continue to restore Kaer Fendargh, you will need to find who is doing this and put an end to it.
-Talk to Arrald in Kaer Fendargh.
-Travel to Rorikstead and speak to one of the guards.
-Go to the location and investigate the cart.
-Use your Witcher Senses to follow the footprints and the smell.
-Confront the bandit.
-Return to Arrald.

After you rebuild the Blacksmith Quarters in Kaer Fendargh, this quest will start. You will need to hire a blacksmith to live there, which will unlock the 'Mastercrafted Witcher Swords'. (check Witcher's Weapons section)
Each blacksmith have a different bonus to the mastercrafted weapons they make:
Male blacksmith - Blood and Fire runes are 50% stronger on Mastercrafted weapons.
Female blacksmith - Mastercrafted silver weapons deals 200% damage to monsters instead of 175%.
-Travel to Riverwood and place the job offer (blacksmith) on the Notice Board.
-Wait from 24 to 72h (Adjustable on MCM) for a courier to bring you a response.
-Read the two letters.
-Go to either Riverwood or Solitude to talk to the applicants.
-In Riverwood:
-Talk to the balcksmith.
- Give him his payment (finishes quest) or check the other blacksmith first.
-In Solitude:
-Talk to the balcksmith.
-Recover the sword in Broken Oar Grotto.
-Hire the blacksmith (finsihes quest) or check the other blacksmith first.
-Wait for the chosen one to get to Kaer Fendargh.

After you rebuild the Mage Quarters in Kaer Fendargh, this quest will start. You will need to hire a mage to live there, whcih will unlock the option to restore Aerondight. (check Witcher's Weapons section)
-Travel to Riverwood and place the job offer (mage) on the Notice Board.
-Wait from 24 to 72h (Adjustable on MCM) for a courier to bring you a response.
-Read the two letters.
-Go to either Markarth or Ivarstead to talk to the applicants.
-In Markarth:
-Talk to the mage.
-Buy (or deliver) him a bottle of Dwemer Spirit.
- Hire him or check the other mage first.
-In Ivarstead:
-Talk to the mage.
- Hire her or check the other mage first.
-Wait for the chosen one to get to Kaer Fendargh.

There are 15 containers around the world which contains a random Witcher diagram. They do not have quest markers on the map until you find (and read) the first one or find the map when advancing through the Thieve's Guild questline.
For those who already completed the Thieves Guild questline or want to know exactly where the map is:

Everytime you receive a Bounty Quest, before you complete it (kill the bandit/dragon/forsworn/giant), you will have the dialogue option to ask the Jarl of the Hold the quest is attached to for more gold in advance. You must have Axii equipped to do so, and the amount of gold asked is adjustable on the MCM, which will also show your chance of success.

- Witcher's Starter Swords: The Steel and Silver Swords equipped by Geralt at the beggining of The Witcher 3.
- Aerondight: A Silver Relic Sword present in all 3 Witcher's games. The one added by this mod uses the 3d model from The Witcher 3.
- Witcher Schools' Swords: Steel and Silver Swords from the 5 Witcher's Schools: Cat, Bear, Griffin, Viper and Wolf. Each School has 4 ranks for their swords: Basic, Enhanced, Superior and Mastercrafted.

Silver Swords deal MORE damage to monsters (everything that is not an animal, dwarven or a playable race) depending of the sword rank. See below:
- Starter and Basic-rank Swords: +20% damage.
- Enhanced-rank Swords: +35% damage.
- Superior-rank Swords: +50% damage.
- Aerondight and Mastercrafted-rank Swords: +75% damage.

Steel Swords deal LESS damage to monsters (everything that is not an animal, dwarven or a playable race) depending of the sword rank. See below:
- Starter and Basic-rank Swords: -90% damage.
- Enhanced-rank Swords: -80% damage.
- Superior-rank Swords: -70% damage.
- Mastercrafted-rank Swords: -60% damage.
Witcher Steel Swords have some benefits to compensate for their lack of damage agains monsters:
- 30% more chance of performing a critical hit.
- Can be infused with Runes once you take the perk 'Runed Steel' from the Witcher Skill Tree.

Runes are special itens that can be used to create more powerful Steel Swords. Runed Swords have a glowing rune attached to their blade, granting them an effect when they perform a critical hit.
-Blood Rune: The target deals 50% less physical damage for 10 seconds. Can't be reesisted - Doesn't work on undead and ghosts.
-Fire Rune: The target takes 4 points of health damage each second, for 10 seconds. Resisted by target's Fire Resistance.
-Poison Rune: The Target is paralyzed for 5 seconds. Resisted by target's Poison Resistance - Doesn't work on undead.
Runed swords CAN still be enchanted normally.
Runes can be crafted at the Smelter.

- Witcher's Starter Swords: These swords can be found on the corpse in Helgen Keep which starts the Main Quest 1.
- Aerondight: For now you can find a "Rusted" version of Aerondight, which deals 0 damage. You can restore it by asking the mage you hire after restoring the Mage Quarter's in Kaer Fendargh. Check the spoiler below if you want to know where to look for it.

- Witcher's School Swords (Basic to Superior): Like in The Witcher 3, in order to be able to obtain the School's Swords, you need to find their diagram.
- Witcher's Runed Swords (Mastercrafted): Mastercrafted swords can't be crafted by the player or regular blacksmiths (but can be runed by regular court wizards). Only the Blacksmith that you hire during the quest 'Witcher's Forge' can craft them.

Diagrams are scattered through Skyrim and Solstheim, placed inside special containers. When you open a container, you will find a random diagram. You can find each diagram only once, they won't appear again. After finding a diagram, you just need to read it once and you'll be able to buy (or craft) the swords. (check "Side - Diagram Hunting" section).

By default, you can't craft Witcher Swords. So after you read a diagram, go to any Blacksmith. A new dialogue choice will appear, so you can ask the blacksmith to craft the swords for you. This system works like the mod 'Honed Metal'. You must provide the blacksmith with all the materials to craft the sword. After two days, your sword will be ready to collect (you will receive a warning). Go to the blacksmith again, and you will be able to buy the sword.
The same process works for the Runed Swords. But instead of a blacksmith, you need to go to a Court Wizard. In this case, as stated before, you must have the perk 'Runed Steel'. You'll also need a Witcher rune, which you can craft at the Smelter.
Note: In order to upgrade the rank of a sword with a Blacksmith (Basic to Enhanced, Enhanced to Superior), you first need to remove any runes from the sword, using the smelter.
If you want to craft the swords yourself, there's an option on the MCM to change the method of obtaining the swords from "Buy Only" (default) to "Craft Only" or "Buy and Craft".Crafting the weapons yourself will require more materials, and by default it needs to be done at the Skyforge (MCM also has a option to remove this requirement).

There are ywo new materials that are used to craft Witcher's Weapons:
Dimerituim: Can be found in form of ore in Dimeritium Deposits and be transformed into ingots to create witcher equipment.
-Helgen Keep
-Nchuand-Zel Excavation
-Shor's Stone Redbelly Mine
-Whistling Mine
Meteorite: Can be found in form of ore in Meteorite Deposits and be transformed into ingots to create 'Meteorite Silver Ingots' and witcher equipment.
-Near Saarthal (Winterhold)
-Coast below College of Winterhold

- Regular: Aard will push enemies away with an unrelenting force. It also deals damage.
- Alternate: Aard will push all enemies around the caster away with an unrelenting force. It also deals damage.

- Regular: Axii makes the enemy fall unconscious. Enemies that take 10 points of damage by the caster will break free from the effect.
- Alternate: Axii makes the affected enemy assist caster in combat.

- Regular: Igni launches a single fire blaze, dealing health damage and also dealing 25% of that value to the enemy's armor, reducing its damage resistance.
- Alternate: Igni creates an explosion around the caster, dealing damage to all enemies in the area.

- Quen (Regular): Quen conjures a shield that protects the caster from physical damage equal to one quarter of his health points.The shield lasts for some seconds if not broken.
- Quen (Alternate): Quen increases the caster magic resistance for the duration.
When Regular Quen is cast, a bar showing the shield's points will appear below the health bar.
Quen can't be recast while active.

- Regular: Yrden creates a magical area for some seconds. Enemies that stand inside the area are slowed. Specters inside the area can be damaged normally. (more info about specters below)
- Alternate: Yrden creates an orb that lasts for some seconds. The orb has 50% chance of dealing shock damage to enemies in the area every 2 seconds. It also has a 10% chance of staggering the target.
Yrden can't be recast while active.

- You can unlock the Regular version of the Signs by Absorbing the Power of it's respective Sign Stone, which can be found in the Wilderness. When you absorb the power for the first time on a Sign Stone, you will receive the correspondent Witcher's Sign. The next absorptions will give you a boost to that Sign's strenght for 8 in-game hours. Only one boost can be active at a time.
After you absorb the power of all 5 Sign Stones, you will receive the Witcher's Meditation Power (check "Meditation" section).
For those who want to skip exploration and go directly to the stones:
-Axii Stone: Outside Falkreath Watchtower (Falkreath)
-Igni Stone: Between Witchmist Grove and Steamcrag Camp (Eastmarsh)
-Quen Stone: Southwest of Bleakwind Basin (Whiterun)
-Yrden Stone: SouthWest of Four Skull Lookout (The Reach)
- You can Unlock the Alternate version of the Signs by unlocking the 'Alternate Signs' perk from the Witcher's Skill Tree (More information on "Alternate Signs" section).
- You can unlock the higer ranks (Enhanced and Superior) of the Signs through the Witcher Skill Tree (check "Witcher Skill Tree" section).

Alcohol is used to craft Witcher's Potions and some Alchemy Ingredients.

Dwemer Spirit is the most common type alcohol and is used to craft the basic-level Witcher's Potions. It can be bough on the Silver Blood Inn in Markarth, and also be found as loot on bandits and forsworn.

Alcohest is the middle-level Witcher Alcohol. It's used to craft Enhanced-Level Potions and keeping one in your inventory will automaticaly replenish any potions you already crafted, up to it's limit. (check "Potions" section)
Alcohest can be crafted with a Dwemer Spirit, Snowberries and the various alcohols found in Skyrim, using a special Mortal and Pestle, which can be crafted at the smelter after you take the perk 'Witcher Potions' from the Witcher's Skill Tree.

White Gull is the superior-level Witcher's Alcohol, and requires you to have the perk 'Enhanced Alchemy' to be crafted usignt he special Mortar and Pestle. It's used to craft Superior-Level Potions and Also Superior-level Ingredients. (check "Ingredients" section)

Witcher Potions can be crafted using a special Mortal and Pestle, which can be crafted at the smelter after you take the perk 'Witcher Potions' from the Witcher's Skill Tree. Each potions have three ranks (Basic, Enhanced an Superior).
Potions need to/can be crafted only once, as you recover them by meditating with a bottle of Alcohest in your inventory. (check "Meditation" section)
Potions have a limit of how many of them you can craft/replenish through Meditation.

Your blood becomes poisonous to vampires and necrophages for 60 seconds, reflecting 30% of their BASE attack damage back to them.
Enhanced: 90 seconds duration, 40% reflected damage, 50% chance os staggering target after it attacks.
Superior: 120 seconds duration, 50%reflected damage, 50% change of stagger, targets bleed (1 point of health) each second if too close.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

For 45 seconds, time will slow down everytime you kill an enemy.
Enhanced: 60 seconds duration.
Superior: 75 seconds duration, if adrenaline is (or reaches) on level 2 or superior, power attacks won't cost stamina for the duration.
Limit: 2 - Basic / 3 - Enhanced / 4 - Superior.

You have improved Night Vision for 120 seconds.
Enhanced: 240 seconds duration.
Superior: 360 seconds duration.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

Your health is increased by 100 points for 50 seconds.
Enhanced: 200 health points, 180 seconds duration.
Superior: 300 health points, 360 seconds duration. You also recover a total number of health points equal to your current toxicity points.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

You are 100% resistant to poisons for120 seconds. Poisons already on your system are cured.
Enhanced: 240 seconds duration.
Superior: 360 seconds duration. When affected by a poison you will recover health points equal to the poison's magnitude.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

You can breath underwater for 120 seconds.
Enhanced: 240 seconds duration.
Superior: 360 seconds duration.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

For 60 seconds, you gain 50% more Adrenaline Points when you hit an enemy in combat. (check "Adrenaline" section)
Enhanced: 120 seconds duration, 100% more Adrenaline points.
Superior: 120 seconds duration, 100% more adrenaline points, immediately gains 5 adrenaline points.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

For 60 seconds, Aard and Igni cause 50% more damage, and Axii, Quen and Yrden lasts 50% longer.
Enhanced: 120 seconds duration, 75% more damage/duration.
Superior: 180 seconds duration, 100% more damage/duration.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

You regenerate extra 4% of you maximum health each second, for 40 seconds. If hit, the increased regeneration is paused for 4 seconds.
Enhanced: 60 seconds duration, 5% of maximum health.
Superior: 80 seconds duration, 6% of maximum health, no pause if hit.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

You regenerate extra 3% of your maximum stamina each second, for 60 seconds.
Enhanced: 90 seconds duration, 8% of maximum stamina.
Superior: 120 second duration, 10% of maximum stamina. If used after 7pm, potion will last until 5am.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

You deal 30% more damage for 60 seconds.
Enhanced: 120 seconds duration.
Superior: 180 seconds duration, if it's raining, have 100% of critical chance.
Limit: 3 - Basic / 4 - Enhanced / 5 - Superior.

Clears your Toxicity and dispel all effects affecting you. (check "Toxicity" section)
Enhanced: Same.
Superior: Same.
Limit: 1 - Basic / 2 - Enhanced / 3 - Superior.

Immediately recover 35% of your maximum health.
Enhanced: 60% of maximum health.
Superior: 10%% of maximum.
Limit: 1 - Basic / 2 - Enhanced / 3 - Superior.

As with potions, Oils can be crafted using the special Mortar and Pestle, but unlike them, can be crafted multiple times as they are not replenished by meditating. Oils increase your damage by 20% against creatures the oil affects.
- Beast Oil: Animals.
- Cursed Oil: Werewolves/Werebears.
- Draconid Oil: Dragons.
- Elemental Oil: Ice Wraiths, Gargoyles and Atronachs.
- Hanged Man's Venon: Elves, Humans, Orcs, Khajiit and Argonians.
- Hybrid Oil: Hagravens and Griffins.
- Insectoid Oil: Chaurus, Frostbite Spiders and AshHoppers.
- Necrophage Oil: Ghouls, Drowners, Draugr and Death Hounds.
- Ogroid Oil: Nekkers, Trolls, Giants and Rieklings.
- Relict Oil: Spriggans, Dremoras, Falmers, Seekers and Lurkers.
- Specter Oil: Wraiths and Ghosts.
- Vampire Oil: Vampires.

Most of Witcher's Ingredients can be found on dead monsters added by the mod. (Check "Monsters" section)
You can also buy many of them in Arcadia's Cauldron in Whiterun and in Elgrim's Elixirs in Riften. More rare and superior ingredients need to be crafted using the Witcher's Mortar and Pestle.

Common ingredients can be found directly as loot on monsters. They are:
-Alghoul Claw
-Alghoul Rib
-Arachas' Venon (until Arachas are implemented this can only be bought)
-Dark Essence (until Nightwraiths are implemented this can only be bought)
-Drowner Brain
-Drowner Tongue
-Endrega Embryo (until Arachas are implemented this can only be bought)
-Ghoul Blood
-Griffin Egg
-Griffin Feather
-Infused Dust
-Light Essence (until Noonwraiths are implemented this can only be bought)
-Nekker Blood
-Nekker Claw
-Nekker Eye
-Nekker Heart
-Specter Dust (can sometimes be found on Ghosts, Wisps and Necro Skeletons)
-Water Essence
-Wraith Essence
-Golem Heart (until Golems are implemented this can only be bought)

Rare ingredients can sometimes be found on Drowners, Ghouls and Griffins. They can also be crafted using Common Ingredients and the Witcher's Mortar and Pestle. They are:
-Monster Blood
-Monster Brain
-Monster Claw
-Monster Egg
-Monster Essence
-Monster Eye
-Monster Feathers
-Monster Hair
-Monster Heart
-Monster Liver
-Monster Saliva
-Monster Tongue
-Monster Tooth
-Monster Bone
-Powdered Monster Tissue
-Venom Extract (can sometimes be found on Frostbite Spiders, Chaurus and Ahs Hoppers)

Superior level ingredients are used to create Superior-level Witcher's Potions and some Witcher's Weapons. They can't be found, only crafted, and you need the 'Alchemy Enhanced' perk to do so. They are:

-Amethyst Dust (found on Wraiths - can be crafted at the forge)
-Emerald Dust (found on Wraiths - can be crafted at the forge)
-Ruby Dust (can be crafted at the forge)
-Sapphire Dust (can be crafted at the forge)

- In order to access the skill tree, you need to go to Kaer Fendargh (check "Kaer Fendargh" section). When you enter the fortress, you will find a stone craved on the floor right in front of the main door, from which you can select the perks. When you enter the Main Hall, a bar will appear above your health bar to show your progress on the Skill (Skill progress can also be consulted on the MCM).
- You can advance in the Witcher's Skill Tree by casting Witcher's Signs, Drinking Witcher's Potions and Hitting enemies with Witcher's Swords.
-The Skill is divided in 3 main branches:
Signs (Blue Perks)
Alchemy (Green Perks)
Combat (Red Perks)
Each Major Branch has 5 sub-branches with two perks each (apart from the branch initial perk), totalizing 11 perks per branch, 33 perks in total.
Obs: the color of the perks may be more/less visible depending if/which enb is used.

-Alternate Signs: You can now use the alternate version of the Witcher Signs. Also unlocks Sign's Widget. (check "Sign's Widget" section)
-Aard Enhanced: Aard's range is increased by 25%, and it's regular mode can now destroy some walls and barriers. Casting Aard will earn 2 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Aard Superior: Aard's range is increased by 50%. Also, enemies that are pushed away will lose their balance for 10 seconds, dealing 20% less damage with weapons. Casting Aard will earn 3 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Axii Enhanced: Axii can now affect targets of any level, and it's bonus on dialogue is increased by 25 points. Casting Axii will earn 2 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Axii Superior: Enemies affected by regular Axii will have their pools of magicka/stamina and the ability to recover it damaged. Alternate Axii's controlled enemy deals 30% more damage. Also, it's bonus on dialogue is increased by another 25 points. Casting Axii will earn 3 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Igni Enhanced: Igni's range is increased by 50% and fur or wood covered enemies will burn over time. Casting Igni will earn 2 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Igni Superior: All nemies affected by Igni will burn for a period of time and it now ignores target's fire resistance. Casting Igni will earn 3 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Quen Enhanced: Quen's shield strenght equals half the caster's health points. Casting Quen will earn 2 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Quen Superior: Quen reflects 50% of absorbed damage back to the attacker. Casting Quen will earn 3 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Yrden Enhanced: While Yrden is active, the caster is immune to magic slow effects. Casting Yrden will earn 2 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.
-Yrden Superior: Enemies inside Yrden's area will have their health damaged each second. Casting Yrden will earn 3 times more Witcher's Skill Experience.

-Witcher Potions: You can create Witcher's potions. Non-Witcher potions have toxicity equal to 1/10 of their gold value, capped at 60. Also, you can recover up tp 3 Witcher Potions of each type that you already crafted (4 for Enhanced Versions), as long as you have a bottle of Ale in your inventory (consumed in the process).
-Alchemy Enhanced: You can create Enhanced-level Witcher's potions. Consuming these stronger Witcher's Potions will earn double Witcher's Skill Experience. You can also create superior-level witcher ingredients and alcohol.
-Alchemy Superior: You can find mutagens on dead monsters, which you can attach to the Mutagen Wall in Kaer Fendargh. (check "Mutagens and Branch Perks" section). You can now also create Superior-level potions, which grant triple experience points.
-Iron Stomach: You become 50 percent resistant to poisons and diseases.
-High Metabolism: You become 75 percent resistant to poisons and diseases.
-Rest Assured: Meditation now takes 8 hours and applies the "Well Rested" effect.
-Drink to That: Meditation now takes 6 hours. After meditating you receive a boost on your maximum stamina for 3 in-game hours.
-A Sensitive Fella: You can use the Witcher Senses to find the 10 closest flora ingredients around you. Perceived ingredients will glow in red.
-Now You See Me: You can use the Witcher Senses to find the 10 closest containers around you. Perceived containers will glow in green.
-Monster's Doom: If you have high toxicity and use a Witcher's oil, you receive 20 percent less damage from monsters the oil affects.
Your maximum Toxicity increases by 50 points.
-Fast Response: When you reach 10 percent of health and you have high toxicity, time is slowed for 10 seconds. After this ability is activated, you need to either meditate or sleep to be able to use it again.

-Adrenaline: Unlocks Adrenaline. (check "Adrenaline" section)
-Runed Steel: You can have your Witcher's Steel Swords reforged with a special Witcher's rune. There are 3 types of runes: Blood, Fire and Poison. When you make a critical hit, the target will be affected by the rune and lose health per second for 10 seconds. The target can resist fire and poison runes, but not blood runes. Blood Runes don't work on undead.
-Extended Runes: Rune's effects lasts 100 percent longer.
-Killer Instinct: Each adrenaline point gives 4 percent chance of instantly killing an hostile target that has current health below a percentage of it's maximum health (defined on MCM).
-Not Quite Dead: If you reach 10 percent of health, you are healed by four times your current adrenaline points, which are consumed in the process. After this ability is activated, you need to either meditate or sleep to be able to use it again.
-Faster is Deadlier: When using witcher weapons from the Light Witcher Schools (Cat, Viper and Wolf), your critical damage and critical chance are increased by 50 percent.
-Witcher Light School: You can choose your favorite Witcher's Light School (Cat, Viper or Wolf) and gain it's ability.
Cat: When a Feline Sword is equipped and you enter sneak mode, you become invisible for 10 seconds. If you attack an enemy during this period, your attack will deal 5 times more damage. This ability have a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Viper: Every third attack made on the same target will apply a random Potent Poison. The effects of the poison can be: Damage Health, Damage Magicka, Damage Stamina, Lingering Damage Health, Lingering Damage Stamina, Lingering Damage Magicka, Fear or Paralyze.
Wolf: Runes (Blood, Fire or Poison) are unlocked to be used on Wolven Silver Swords. All Wolven Silver Swords have 30 percent more chance to do critical damage.
-Stronger is Better: When using witcher weapons from the Heavy Witcher Schools (Griffin and Bear), your power attack damage is increased by 100 percent.
-Witcher Heavy School: You can choose your favorite Witcher's Heavy School (Bear, Griffin or Horker) and gain it's ability.
Bear: Everytime you kill an enemy with a Ursine Sword, your health is incresed by 5 points, to a maximum of 200. When the maximum additional health is reached, your permanently take 10 percent less damage.
Griffin: Witcher Signs cost 20 percent less. Bonuses from Sign Stones lasts for 24 hours.
Horker: When you are hit in combat while blocking, a shockwave is created, pushing away all enemies around you. This ability has a 50 second cooldown.
-Defensive Stance: When fighting against only one enemy, blocking with a Witcher Sword will decrease incoming damage by 80 percent.
-Here We Go Again: If you reach 10 percent of your total stamina while in combat, you recover 90 points of it. After this ability is activated, you need to either meditate or sleep to be able to use it again.

After you unlock the "Alternate Signs" Perk, you can double tap a key (Default "V" - can be changed on MCM), which will swap between Regular and Alternate Sign modes. Each mode unlocks the sign effects of that mode, and locks the effects of the other.
You can also hold the key for more than one second to hide/show the Signs Widget.
While the Widget is active, you can change to next/previous sign using the keys (Default "NumPad4" and "NumPad6" - Can be changed on MCM).

The recovery system works like this:
-All potions that you have already crafted (sperior version replaces / enhanced version replaces / basic version), will be replenished depending of the Limiti (check "Potions" section) of each of the potions.
Ex: If you don't have any basic black blood in your inventory when you meditate, you will recover 3 potions. If you have 1, you will recover 2. If you have 2, you will recover 1. If you have 3 or more, you won't recover anything.
Note: Recovering potions requires that you have a bottle of Alcohest in your inventory (which will be consumed).

When you enter combat, a Adrenaline bar will appear below the Stamina Bar, and as you gain points, it will start to fill.
You can have a maximum of 20 adrenaline points.
Depending of how many points you have, the Adrenaline will be in one of it's 4 stages. Each stage increases your damage with all weapons (up to 5 points +0%/ From 6 to 10 points +50%/ From 11 to 15 points +100%/ From 16 to 20 points +150%). The color of the bar will vary from a redish grey to a bright and vivid red, depending of the Adrenaline stage you are. (Adrenaline damage increase can de adjusted on MCM)
You lose adrenaline when you are hit, and after you leave combat it slowly starts to decay.

Your toxicity increases everytime you drink a Witcher Potion or a Vanilla Potion (You can disable vanilla potions' Toxicity on the MCM). You can have a maximum of 100 points of Toxicity (150 with 'Monster's Doom' Perk). The values of Toxicity that you gain from potions are:
Black Blood: 30
Blizzard: 50
Cat: 30
Full Moon: 50
Golden Oriole: 40
Killer Whale: 30
Maribor Forest: 40
Petris Philter: 50
Swallow: 40
Tawny Owl: 40
Thunderbolt: 50
White Honey: 0
White Raffard: 60
Vanilla Potions: 20% of the potion's value (capped at 70)
If you drink potions that would bring toxicity points above 100 (150 with Monster's Doom), Toxicity will be set to 100/150 and you will be damaged by the difference.
Toxicity also has some side effects:
-Above 70% Toxicity, you will be considered to have a high Toxicity, and will lose 1 point of health per second.
You also have 65/60/55/50% (depending of your toxicity level >85/>80/>75/>70) chance of becoming paralized for 2 seconds (20 seconds cooldown).
-Above 85% Toxicity, potions won't work anymore, and you won't gain Witcher Experience from drinking them, but will still add Toxicity points.
-Toxicity decays by one point every two seconds.
When your Toxicity is higher than 0, a bar will appear below the Magicka Bar to show it's progress. The color of the bar will vary from a light green to an orange-green depending of which toxicity stage you are.

Witcher Senses is a togglable power. When you activate it, enemies around you will be marked and glow with the color of the Witcher Oil that affects them.
The power will also mark important objects near you, like breakable walls and witcher related quest items.
The power updates itself every 3 seconds.
Drawing your weapon, being hit or sprinting finishes the Witcher Senses Effects.

After you take the perk "Alchemy Superior", you will be able to find mutagens on dead monsters and animals (added by this mod and vanilla). Mutagens can be Blue, Green or Red. You can combine 3 mutagens of the same type to create an enhanced version of the mutagen when using the Witcher Mortar and Pestle.
To use a Mutagen, you need to go to Kaer Fendargh. The Mutagen's Stone is by the Perk stone in the main hall, near the door to the basement. When you activate the stone, you can store up to 3 mutagens in it.
The Mutagen Effects are:
Blue: Your attack damage is increased by 10%. If a branch of the same color is attached to the mutagen, attack damage is increased additional 5%.
Green: Your maximum stamina is increased by 10 points. If a branch of the same color is attached to the mutagen, stamina is increased 10 additional points.
Red: Your maximum Health is increased by 10 points. If a branch of the same color is attached to the mutagen, health is increased 10 additional points.
Branch Perks are secondary perks that you automatically gain when you choose the two perks of one of the sub-branches of the Witcher Skill Tree. There are 15 Branch Perks in total. Unlike normal perks, they only work when you assign them on the Mutagen's Stone. You can only have 4 Branch Perks active at once, but you can change them whenever you like.
The Branch Perks are:
Aard Branch: The Sign Aard Branch makes enemies affected by Aard have 50% chance of being frozen in place for 10 seconds. (Does not work on large/ice creatures). Frozen enemies also receive more physical damage.
Axii Branch: The Sign Axii Branch makes prices <mag>% better for selling/buying and Axii's bonus on dialogue now increases by 1/5 of the sign's duration's increasing rate. Also, if the last target affect by Alternate Axii dies, you permanently gain 1 point of stamina.
Igni Branch: The Sign Igni Branch makes enemies that are already burning with Igni's fire have 40% chance of being affected by an explosion when hit by Igni again. The explosion deals half Igni's damage.
Quen Branch: The Sign Quen Branch makes the shield heal the caster with health points equal to 20% of Quen's absorbed damage.
Yrden Branch: The Sign Yrden Branch increases your shock resistance by 20 percent.
Alchemy Branch: The Alchemy Branch increases your chance of finding mutagens by 10 percent.
Resistances Branch: The Resistances Branch increases your Alchemy skill, meaning that potions you make are 20 percent stronger.
Meditation Branch: The Meditation Branch increases your carry weight by 20 points.
Witcher Senses Branch: The Witcher Senses Branch increases your sneaking success by 20 percent.
Toxicity Branch: The Toxicity Branch increases the duration of poisons and Witcher Oils you use by 20 percent.
Adrenaline Branch: The Adrenaline Branch makes possible to use "Not Quite Dead Perk" twice before needing to meditate again.
Runes Branch: The Runes Branch increases your soul gem's charges when enchanting a weapon by 20 percent.
Light Combat Branch: The Light Combat Branch increases your critical damage with all weapons by 30 percent.
Heavy Combat Branch: The Heavy Combat Branch decreases the amount of Stamina you spend when power attacking by 20 percent.
Defense Branch: The Defense Branch makes possible to use "Second Wind" twice before needing to meditate again.
These branches have the same color of the Witcher Skill Tree (Blue for Signs, Green For Alchemy and Red for Combat). Attaching a branch perk to a mutagen with the same color will increase the mutagen's effect, and make it glow brighter on the stone.

You cannot access it (the map marker and door won't show up in Skyrim World) until you have meditated at all the Sign Stones.
For now the wordspace has two areas (which are completely free of loading screens, aka has no interior cells):
The Swamp (Bloody Valley), which is filled with Drowners and a red mist.
The Fortress (Kaer Fendargh), which is a large imperial-like fort that you can rebuild room by room.
ATTENTION: The Only safe container in Kaer Fendargh is the one on Grandmaster's Room, near the bed.
I'll constantly expand this worldspace in future updates until it's big enough to have it's own world map.

Before describing the monsters, I want to add a little warning: I've learned a lot of things in order to be able to build this mod, some of which I've done well and some that I didn't mastered, but if there is one thing that I'm not good at, it's rigging meshes to a skeleton. That being said, the monsters are not the quality that I wanted them to be in terms of animation. Some may look buggy if you look at them for a certain angle. I've added them anyway, so you can check and see if you like them. If you don't, you can disable them on the MCM. (Kaer Fendargh monsters can't be disabled, but they won't respawn once you kill them)
Alright, the monsters are:

Drowners are corpse eaters that live near water. They can be found in groups of at least 2 around the big lakes and rivers in Skyrim warmer holds. Groups of Dronwers can have a Drowned Dead among them.
Type: Necrophage
-Bleed: Each non-blocked attack by a drowner will release a bleeding effect for 10 seconds.
-Resistance: Weakness to fire.

Drowned Dead are a stronger variant of Drowners.
Type: Necrophage
-Stronger drowner bleeding.
-Resistance: Weakness to fire.

Ghould are quadruped corpse eaters. They can fe found in groups of at least 2 all around the warmer holds of Skyrim. Groups of Ghouls can have an Alghould among them.
Type: Necrophage
-Rage: When Ghouls reach 30% of their maximum health thei will enter a rage mode, increasing their health regeneration.
-Fever: Ghoul attacks

Alghould are a stronger and more dangerous type of Ghoul.
Type: Necrophage
-Rage: When Alghouls reach 40% of their maximum health, thei enter rage, increasing their attack damage.
-Reflect Damage: Alghould reflect 30% of physical damage taken back to the attacker. When in Rage, deflection increases to 50%. Axii Sign negates this effect.
-Presence: An Alghoul that is close to ghouls will increase their attack damage.

Griffins are huge flying creatures that are very protective of their territory. They can be found in the Rift and Eastmarch.
Type: Hybrid
-Stun: Griffins can stun enemies with their attacks.
-Scream: Griffins can scream to damage and destabilize foes.
-Resistance: Weakness to fire.

Archgriffins are a stronger variation of Griffin.
Type: Hybrid
-Stun: Archgriffins can stun enemies with their attacks.
-Acid: Archgriffins can spit acid on their foes.
-Resistance: Weakness to fire.

Nekkers are small creatures that appear in groups of at least four members. Groups of nekkers can have a nekker warrior as a leader. They can be found in the Reach.
Type: Ogroid
-Call Help: The last alive Nekker that you fight will call for help when badly wounded. A new Nekker will arrive to help it. This ability has a 15 second cooldown, that starts after you kill the Nekker who called for help.
-Ally Mounr: For every Nekker killed (maximum 3) all other Nekkers will have their attack damage increased for 10 seconds.

A stronger nekker variation that can be found as leaders of a group.
Type: Ogroid
-Call Help: The last alive Nekker that you fight will call for help when badly wounded. A new Nekker will arrive to help it. This ability has a 15 second cooldown, that starts after you kill the Nekker who called for help.
-Ally Mourn: For every Nekker killed (maximum 3) all other Nekkers will have their attack damage increased for 10 seconds.

Wraiths are a strong type of ghost. They can be found all around skyrim, near places where a lot of people died.
Type: Specter
-Resistance: Wraiths receive 90% less damage from any weapon. Sign Yrden's area of effect removes this resistance. There's an option on the MCM to add this ability to all Ghost-type enemies.
-Blink: Wraiths have a chance of disappearing and then reapearing behind a target during combat.