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Enai Siaion

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Mod articles

  • Triumvirate Compatibility Notes

    Not all mods listed here are available for all platforms. MCM (Mod Configuration Menu) requires SkyUI. Before using a compatibility patch, make sure it supports the latest version of both mods to avoid issues.

    Known compatibility list


    Skyrim VR: Compatible.


    Arcane Accessories: Compatible.


    Adamant - A Perk Overhaul: Compatibility patch available on mod page. Load Triumvirate below Adamant.
    Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim: Compatible.
    Arcanum: Compatible.
    Combat Gameplay Overhaul (CGO): Mostly compatible. CGO apparently breaks the jump animation event in first person, so the Shadow Dance spell only works in third person.
    Enemy (R)Evolution of Skyrim (EEOS...