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Enai Siaion

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About this mod

Triumvirate adds 75 balanced spells divided among 5 mage archetypes (druid, shadow mage, warlock, cleric, shaman), which are available immersively through vendors.

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Skyrim Legendary Edition version available here


  • New spells for 5 mage archetypes (druid, shadow mage, warlock, cleric, shaman).
  • 15 spells per archetype for a total of 75 spells.
  • Spells are available immersively through appropriate vendors.
  • Consistent, high quality implementation and visuals.
  • No clutter or feature bloat: archetypes you do not want to use can easily be ignored.
  • Much more focussed than major spell packs.
  • Also adds staves for many of the spells.
  • Lightweight scripts, no save bloat.

Triumvirate review on Youtube

Integration into Skyrim

Like vanilla spell tomes, Triumvirate spell tomes can be bought at thematically appropriate vendors, up to your skill level in their school. See each class for a list of vendors.

I want to cheat!
There is a secret way to get all of the spellbooks. Just kill the Riverwood chicken and loot its corpse. You're welcome.

The druid

The Druid worships Hircine, the Beast spirit, or is a mage attuned to nature. They can grow trees and brambles and summon the beasts of nature.

Taking a unique approach to summoning in the form of concentration based minions, the Druid avoids direct combat, shaping nature to create damaging or blocking overgrowth. Their minions often have persistent effects, encouraging the Druid to swap between them in battle.

For those looking to intervene more directly, Force of Nature allows the Druid to transform into a Horned Lord, a powerful melee fighter that steals Magicka with its power attacks. Direct damage comes from bleed/poison spells that grow Goodberries in the inventory of their victims, which can be eaten for a powerful heal.

? Conjuration

  • (Novice) Call Raven: Concentrate to summon a Raven. It blinds living targets, reducing weapon skills by 40 points.
  • (Apprentice) Call Rattlesnakes: Concentrate to summon 2 Rattlesnakes. Their attacks deal 2 poison damage per second.
  • (Adept) Call Gray Wolf: Concentrate to summon a Gray Wolf. Its attacks cause living targets below 20% Health to rapidly bleed out.
  • (Expert) Call Snow Leopard: Concentrate to summon a Snow Leopard. Its attacks drain 40 points of Stamina and it moves faster in combat.
  • (Master) Call Hound of Hircine: Concentrate to summon a Hound of Hircine. Its attacks reduce armor by 250 points for 10 seconds.

Dual casting summons two, and so does Twin Souls, for a total of 4 minions (8 in case of Rattlesnakes) that are also instantly resummoned on death. However, there's a non-negotiable summon cost that will drain your mana even if your casting cost is reduced to zero by enchantments. Dual casting gets you the same minions as casting with both hands, but dual casting in this case is not more expensive than casting with both hands but cheaper.

Available from
  • Bothela, Markarth
  • Danica Pure-Spring, Whiterun
  • Dravynea the Stoneweaver, Kynesgrove

? Alteration

  • (Novice) Druidcraft: Nature reclaims target corpse, destroying it and growing a random plant that can be harvested.
  • (Apprentice) Force of Nature: Assume the form of a Horned Lord for 60 seconds. It uses melee attacks and can cast the caster's other equipped spell. Its power attacks steal Magicka.
  • (Adept) Wildshape: Assume the form of a Deer while sprinting out of combat, moving 30% faster, for 60 seconds.
  • (Expert) Impenetrable Grove: Raise a wall of trees where the caster points, blocking passage for 30 seconds.
  • (Master) Chase the Horizon: Transports the caster and nearby allies in a 30 foot circle to a target location within 600 feet.

The Horned Lord does not regenerate Magicka and loses 5 points per second, but its power attacks steal (2*Alteration level) Magicka and spells are 25% cheaper. Its attacks deal (Alteration level) bonus damage, x2 on power attacks, and a dual flurry power attack applies Mark of Hircine, reducing armor by (2.5*Alteration level) for 10 seconds. It regenerates 10% Stamina and 5% Health per second. It uses your equipped armor, but not your weapons.

Available from
  • Danica Pure-Spring, Whiterun
  • Dravynea the Stoneweaver, Kynesgrove
  • Froki, The Rift

? Restoration

  • (Novice) Spirit of the Oak: Spirit grants caster and living allies 20 points of Health for 60 seconds.
  • (Apprentice) Parasitic Growth: Plant growth deals 1 bleed and poison damage for 15 seconds. On death, sprouts a Goodberry.
  • (Adept) Spirit of Thornbriar: Spirit retaliates with 1 bleed and poison damage for 8 seconds whenever the caster or a living ally is struck in melee for 60 seconds.
  • (Expert) Bramble Growth: Bed of brambles that deals 10 bleed and poison damage for 15 seconds. On death, sprouts a Goodberry.
  • (Master) Spirit of the Sun: Spirit heals caster and living allies 20 points per second for 120 seconds.

Available from
  • Bothela, Markarth
  • Edla, Skaal Village
  • Froki, The Rift

The shadow mage

Shadow magic is a rare and powerful form of magic in the Elder Scrolls universe. It is not just the absence of light, but manipulation of probabilities.

Shadow mages are very mobile, having access to various forms of teleportation, but their offensive spells are short ranged or even melee attack based. Their ability to turn a percentage of their Magicka into burst damage makes them excellent at striking first, striking hard, and disappearing, but if they do end up in a prolonged fight, they can leech back their Magicka in several ways. They become more effective in darkness, both natural and supernatural.

Instead of light, their spells emit pools of shadow.

? Alteration

  • (Novice) Shadow Stride: Move 15% faster in combat for 60 seconds.
  • (Apprentice) Step Through Shadows: Dash to a target up to 150 feet away, reducing armor by 100 points for 10 seconds.
  • (Adept) Shadow Dance: Able to perform a 20 foot dash for 10 Magicka by jumping, if the path is clear. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • (Expert) Pull Through Shadows: Pull targets up to 150 feet away to the caster, reducing armor by 100 points for 10 seconds.
  • (Master) Night Gate: Deploy two shadow portals on walkable terrain, allowing passage in both directions within 100 feet.

Available from
  • Babette, Dark Brotherhood
  • Enthir, Winterhold
  • Gulum-Ei, Solitude
  • Neloth, Tel Mithryn

? Destruction

  • (Novice) Draining Touch: Absorbs 2 points of Health and Magicka per second from the target for 10 seconds.
  • (Apprentice) Azra's Wrath: Shockwave of shadow energy that converts 50% of your Magicka into magic damage. (X damage)
  • (Adept) Nightblade: Able to melee attack from up to 50 feet to perform a dash attack, converting 50% of your Magicka into bonus magic damage on hit. Lasts 60 seconds. (X damage)
  • (Expert) Draining Shroud: Absorbs 10 points of Health and Magicka per second from nearby enemies for 60 seconds.
  • (Master) Draining Mist: Shadow infused mist that absorbs 20 points of Health and Magicka per second for 60 seconds.

Available from
  • Enthir, Winterhold
  • Farengar Secret-Fire, Whiterun
  • Nelacar, Winterhold
  • Neloth, Tel Mithryn

? Illusion

  • (Novice) Gather Shadows: Your melee attacks and Shadow Mage spells are up to 50% stronger in darkness. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • (Apprentice) Darkness: Creates a 10 foot source of darkness that sticks where it strikes for 60 seconds.
  • (Adept) Reveal Secrets: Illuminates nearby containers, doors and keys within 75 feet for 60 seconds.
  • (Expert) Possession: Target up to level 40 refuses to die upon taking fatal damage within 30 seconds, fighting for the caster in a frenzy with 40% more damage.
  • (Master) Nightfall: A pool of darkness follows the caster for 60 seconds, and the caster gains all known Shadow Mage buffs.

Available from
  • Babette, Dark Brotherhood
  • Gulum-Ei, Solitude
  • Nelacar, Winterhold
  • Neloth, Tel Mithryn

The warlock

The Warlock is a Daedra summoner at best, Daedra worshipper at worst. They have strong interactions between their vile damage spells and summonings.

Warlocks bind the Spirits of those who die under the effects of their raw damage Destruction spells. Afterwards, summoning a Warlock minion within 30 seconds consumes the Spirit to increase its Health, Damage, and add a bonus effect. For instance, the Magister uses a staff and drains mana from its victims, building towards a devastating area effect attack; if a Spirit is offered, it will also generate Magicka on its own.

The synergy works both ways, as poison spells amplify the damage Warlock minions deal to the target and reduce the damage the target deals to them.

? Destruction

  • (Novice) Eldritch Blast: Warping blast that deals 20 raw damage. If the target dies, bind their Spirit for 30 seconds.
  • (Apprentice) Balefire: Corrupting fire deals 15 magic damage and burns for 2 poison damage for 10 seconds. Targets are 30% weaker to warlock minions.
  • (Adept) Witch Bolt: Bolt of dark fire that deals 3 raw damage for 60 seconds. If the target dies, bind their Spirit for 30 seconds.
  • (Expert) Cloudkill: Corrupting blast deals 50 magic damage and leaves a 20 poison damage cloud. Targets in the cloud are 30% weaker to warlock minions.
  • (Master) Hurl Into Oblivion: Deals 60 raw damage and flings survivors into Oblivion until the spell is cast again. If a target dies, bind their Spirit for 30 seconds.

Available from
  • Atub, Largashbur
  • Neloth, Tel Mithryn
  • Wuunferth the Unliving, Windhelm

? Conjuration

  • (Novice) Conjure Gremlin: Summon a Gremlin for 60 seconds. If a Spirit is offered, gains 40% chance to disarm targets.
  • (Apprentice) Conjure Temple Grim: Summon a Temple Grim for 60 seconds. If a Spirit is offered, its attacks interrupt and feed on spellcasting.
  • (Adept) Conjure Ravagor: Summon a Ravagor for 60 seconds. If a Spirit is offered, gains an 8 point per second vampiric cloak.
  • (Expert) Conjure Magister: Summon a Magister for 60 seconds. If a Spirit is offered, it regenerates 25 Magicka per second.
  • (Master) Conjure Leviathan: Summon a Leviathan for 180 seconds. If a Spirit is offered, its attacks immobilize and bleed targets.

Available from
  • Falion, Morthal
  • Sybille Stentor, Solitude
  • Wuunferth the Unliving, Windhelm

? Illusion

  • (Novice) Weaken: Creatures and people are cursed for 30 seconds. Their attack damage is reduced by 20%.
  • (Apprentice) Frailty: Creatures and people are cursed for 30 seconds. Their armor is reduced by 150 points.
  • (Adept) Iron Maiden: Creatures and people are cursed for 30 seconds. Deals 25 damage each time they attack or cast a spell.
  • (Expert) Life Tap: Creatures and people are cursed for 30 seconds. Melee attacks against them absorb 40 Health.
  • (Master) Decrepify: Creatures and people are cursed for 60 seconds. They suffer 50% reduced weapon speed, 20% slowed movement and lose 50 Stamina per second.

Available from
  • Atub, Largashbur
  • Falion, Morthal
  • Sybille Stentor, Solitude

The cleric

The Cleric is a healer, paladin or inquisitor. They can cast holy fire, channel auras to strengthen their allies and themselves, or turn enemies into allies.

Clerics can either support their allies in various ways or enter the fray themselves. For those looking to spread the word of their deity by fire and sword, the Cleric has several weapon buffs, Destruction spells that combine fire and sun damage to harm most enemies and the undead doubly so, and can cast auras, which are concentration based buffs that benefit both the Cleric and their party members and release an additional effect when the Cleric stops concentrating on them. If things get too rough, the Cleric can temporarily remove their enemies from the battlefield.

If the Cleric finds themselves without allies, they can force Obedience upon their enemies, converting them for a short time and even allowing the Cleric to trade with them. A more permanent minion is the Spirit Guardian, a summoned follower that can be equipped with gear and returns it when it eventually dies.

? Restoration

  • (Novice) Aid: Living or undead ally gets a 30 point bonus to all skill levels while you concentrate.
  • (Apprentice) Aura of Might: Caster and living or undead allies deal 40% more attack damage. Release for a 20 fire and sun damage burst.
  • (Adept) Aura of Vigor: Caster and living or undead allies heal 15 points per second. Release for 2 seconds of invulnerability.
  • (Expert) Aura of Thorns: Caster and living or undead allies reflect 50 fire and sun damage in melee. Release to heal 100 points.
  • (Master) Mass Immortality: Nearby living or undead allies get unlimited Health regeneration for 30 seconds.

Available from
  • Hamal, Markarth
  • Maramal, Riften
  • Rorlund, Solitude
  • Runil, Falkreath

? Destruction

  • (Novice) Solar Ray: Thin beam of light that deals 6 points of fire and sun damage per second.
  • (Apprentice) Holy Fire: Enchant your power attacks for 60 seconds to deal 10 fire and sun damage.
  • (Adept) Consecrated Ground: Sanctify the battlefield, dealing 6 fire and sun damage for 30 seconds.
  • (Expert) Holy Shock: Enchant your power attacks for 60 seconds to deal 30 shock and sun damage.
  • (Master) Storm of Vengeance: Storm of holy fury that deals 8 fire, shock and sun damage per second to all enemies for 30 seconds.

Available from
  • Florentius Baenius, Dawnguard
  • Rorlund, Solitude
  • Runil, Falkreath

? Illusion

  • (Novice) Suggestion: Creatures and people up to level 10 obey simple commands for 30 seconds, but not in combat.
  • (Apprentice) Exile: Target up to level 15 is hidden from this world for 15 seconds.
  • (Adept) Spirit Guardian: Manifest the idealized spirit of your race for 7200 seconds. Can use and carry equipment and will obey orders.
  • (Expert) Obedience: Creatures and people up to level 24 fight for you for 60 seconds, and obey orders when not in combat.
  • (Master) Exodus: All nearby up to level 40, except your follower, are hidden from this world for 60 seconds.

Available from
  • Florentius Baenius, Dawnguard
  • Hamal, Markarth
  • Maramal, Riften

The shaman

The Shaman worships the All-Maker, the Earth Bones, or the Old Ways. Their spells revolve around spirits, visions, totems and Oneness with the Land.

Shamans are about intel and manipulation of both enemies and the terrain. They can see enemy weaknesses in the form of mystical visions, and unleash the spirits of the land to drain their attributes and Health with ghostly flames. Their totems have limited range, but they can also send forth controllable animal spirits to fight or scout the battlefield from above while the caster remains at a safe distance. Visually, most of their spells have a pale spectral glow to them.

For those wanting to play a more direct Shaman, there is support for a melee build centred on reducing enemy armor.

? Conjuration

  • (Novice) Create Water Totem: Create a Totem for 60 seconds that heals 5 points of Health and Magicka per second and cures disease.
  • (Apprentice) Create Tree Totem: Create a Totem for 60 seconds that deals 10 poison damage per second to nearby enemies in combat.
  • (Adept) Summon Wind Fylgja: Control a Wind Fylgja for 120 seconds, leaving your body behind. Can cast Winter's Howl and Crystalize. Sheathe to cancel. Costs 5 Magicka per second.
  • (Expert) Create Earth Totem: Create a Totem for 60 seconds that casts 120 damage tremors every 7 seconds in combat.
  • (Master) Summon Sun Fylgja: Control a Sun Fylgja for 240 seconds, leaving your body behind. Can cast Sun Flare and Grand Healing. Sheathe to cancel. Costs 15 Magicka per second.

Available from
  • Bolar, Narzulbur
  • Majni, Frostmoon Crag
  • Nura Snow-Shod, Riften
  • Sharamph, Mor Khazgur

? Alteration

  • (Novice) Eye of the All-Maker: Survey the area from a distance for 30 seconds. Sheathe to cancel. Costs 2 Magicka per second.
  • (Apprentice) Stave of Ferocity: Enchant your power attacks for 60 seconds. Reduces armor by 150 points and magic resist by 25%.
  • (Adept) Fissure: Invoke the Bones of the land to raise a solid wall of rock for 15 seconds, knocking down targets in its path.
  • (Expert) Stave of Binding: Enchant your power attacks for 60 seconds. Immobilizes targets with 25% chance to disarm.
  • (Master) Sacred Hearth: Consecrate the area as your Hearth. Recast to temporarily recall to the Hearth in spirit form, returning after 120 seconds or by activating the Hearth.

Available from
  • Baldor Iron-Shaper, Skaal Village
  • Jora, Windhelm
  • Murbul, Dushnikh Yal
  • Sharamph, Mor Khazgur

? Restoration

  • (Novice) Visions of Opportunity: For 240 seconds, curses random foes within 40 feet. Reduces armor by 150 points and magic resist by 25%.
  • (Apprentice) Spirit Fire: Pyre that drains 10 points of Magicka and Stamina per second. When both are depleted, drains Health instead.
  • (Adept) Visions of Healing: For 240 seconds, curses random foes within 40 feet. Absorbs 20 Health per second for 4 seconds.
  • (Expert) Spirit Storm: Spirit swarm drains 60 points of Magicka and Stamina per second. When both are depleted, drains Health instead.
  • (Master) Shield of Awe: Enemies inside the rune get 100% weakness to magic and lose 100 points of armor. Lasts 60 seconds.

Available from
  • Bolar, Narzulbur
  • Jora, Windhelm
  • Nura Snow-Shod, Riften
  • Murbul, Dushnikh Yal


See here for a list of (in)compatible mods.


  • Vendors are not selling the spells: As in vanilla, vendors only sell spells up to your skill level in the magic school, so check for novice spells. If they are not selling them, but are selling vanilla spells, see if you have a mod that modifies the same vendors, which could cause a conflict where the mod that is loaded last wins. If they do not have any vendor dialogue, they may be in a quest where their quest dialogue takes precedence over their vendor dialogue, or they may be trying to sleep (most NPCs do not sell at night).
  • Do NPCs have access to these spells: No, because that would cause major compatibility issues and also intrude on the vanilla game beyond what a spell pack should do. If you want this feature, mods like ASIS and EEOS will add spells from a variety of spell packs to NPCs, where EEOS is the recommended choice because the author hand added the spells while ASIS is automatic and sometimes leads to unexpected results. EEOS is compatible with Triumvirate.
  • Does Force of Nature benefit from unarmed damage bonuses: As of version 1.0.8, it does.
  • Nightblade doesn't work: Nightblade is not an unrestricted dash like Shadow Dance, but a dash attack that requires a valid target in your crosshair and within range.
  • Wildshape doesn't work: It is meant as a travel aid, not an escape tool, so it only activates when you are not in combat. Note that the game has a rare bug where you get stuck in combat for a very long time after running away from an enemy, which could prevent it from activating. As a workaround, try opening the console, clicking on yourself and typing stopcombat.
  • Wildshape crashes the game: This is an issue caused by certain camera mods, see the compatibility notes.
  • Do Destruction perks affect the cleric's Destruction spells: These spells are affected by Augmented Flames/Augmented Shock (or their mod equivalents). Proc perks like Intense Flames (or similar perks in mods, like Ordinator's Scarring Burns and Vokrii's Scorched Earth) do not. This is partially a design choice, in that the identity of those perks as causing indiscriminate area effect devastation in many perk overhauls conflicts with the cleric's class identity and the visuals would look out of place as well, and partially due to implementation issues, in that 2 out of 5 cleric Destruction spells are ground hazards which do not support effects with a duration. (Note that many other spell overhauls do not support those perks either, and they do not usually have a good reason to omit support.)
  • Do Destruction perks affect the shadow mage's Destruction spells: These spells are non-elemental spells and are therefore only affected by perks that are not restricted to a specific element. This also applies to vanilla non-elemental spells like Vampiric Drain and the Creation Club absorb spells. Current versions of Ordinator and Vokrii contain a Destruction perk that improves specifically non-elemental spells. (In version 1.5.x, the shadow mage's Destruction spells scaled with Augmented Shock. This interaction has been removed due to the addition of non-elemental perks to Ordinator and Vokrii.)
  • Do Destruction perks affect the warlock's Destruction spells: These spells are non-elemental spells and are therefore only affected by perks that are not restricted to a specific element. This also applies to vanilla non-elemental spells like Vampiric Drain and the Creation Club absorb spells. Current versions of Ordinator and Vokrii contain a Destruction perk that improves specifically non-elemental spells. (In version 1.5.x, the warlock's Destruction spells scaled with Augmented Flames. This interaction has been removed due to the addition of non-elemental perks to Ordinator and Vokrii.)
  • Do Conjuration perks affect the druid's Conjuration spells: They are keyworded as "familiars" and benefit from the same perks, except they are not ground targetted, so the increased summon range perks are meaningless. Due to the way the game handles concentration spells, they also do not benefit from perks that add arbitrary numbers of extra summons like Ordinator's Edge of Oblivion, but they do benefit from the capstone extra summon perk like vanilla/Vokrii's Twin Souls and Ordinator's March of Oblivion, summoning twice as many minions. (Note that they also summon twice as many when dual cast, so Summon Rattlesnakes gives you up to 8 snakes. This is plenty.)
  • Do Conjuration perks affect the warlock's Conjuration spells: They are keyworded as "dremora" and benefit from the same perks, but also benefit from Elemental Potency as an added bonus. Note that the warlock's Conjuration spells are self targetted and therefore do not benefit from increased cast range.