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Star Citizen gamepad bindings for the DualSense Playstation 5 Controller using the touchpad as a mouse.

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Star Citizen gamepad bindings for the DualSense Playstation 5 Controller (in Xbox compatibility mode) using the touchpad as a mouse with the DS4Windows software (https://ds4-windows.com/).

The controller bindings should allow for everything needed during general gameplay in vehicles and on foot. Use the touchpad for the mobiGlas, personal inventory (this takes some getting used to), elevator buttons and ship MFDs. To improve dragging items in the inventory, you can also hold the mute button on the controller as a left mouse click. All standard controller buttons are bound directly in the Star Citizen settings as a gamepad and can be modified there. The touchpad, gyro, home button and mute button are bound via DS4Windows as keyboard and mouse controls and can be modified there. No keyboard or mouse controls were modified in game.

- Most buttons are bound to multiple functions using the following modifiers: single tap, double tap, hold, and each with L1 modifier.
- The mute button is bound to left mouse click. With the L1 (left bumper) modifier, it is bound to right mouse click. Useful for inventory management.
- Interaction mode has a number of things to remember: activate primary action (R1), open interaction wheel (L1+R1) and activate from interaction wheel (A).
- I suggest setting interaction mode to toggle in the gameplay settings rather than hold.
- Jumping can cause persistent vibration. Turn off vibration in the Star Citizen settings.
- Vehicle freelook can be done both by holding the keybind or by toggling it.
- The in-game mappings image only shows the default, so use my provided images.

Things I wish CIG would improve:
- "Hold" should be toggleable just like "double tap" in the keybind settings.
- Blocking between modifiers should be enabled by default, e.g. L1+tap should not also activate simple tap. Currently inconsistent.
- Warning message when assigning a key that is already assigned should include all modifiers for the existing keybind. If it is bound with double tap but not tap, display that there for convenience.
- Keybinds should be more contextual, e.g. I do not need to call ATC or lower landing gear while in mining mode. This would free bindings up a lot.

INSTALLATION (see video below)
- Install DS4Windows (https://ds4-windows.com/) to run the PS5 controller in Xbox controller emulation mode on Windows. DS4Windows suggests to install HidHide in Step 4 and FakerInput in Step 5, which might be necessary to avoid problems with Star Citizen Anti-Cheat.
- Extract the two .xml files from the star_citizen_dualsense_ps5_controller.zip file available on this mod page.
- Move the DS4Windows .xml file to the profiles folder [C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\DS4Windows\Profiles\].
- Import the DS4Windows profile to the software and assign it to the PS5 controller. For this go to the tab "Profiles", click "Import" and select the .xml file. Then go to the tab "Controllers" and assign the profile to your controller. The LED light on the controller should turn orange and move towards red with low battery.
- Move the Star Citizen gamepad mappings layout_ps5_exported.xml file to [C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\USER\Client\0\Controls\Mappings\].
- Import the gamepad mappings to Star Citizen in the game menu, under Advanced Controls Customization (replace all entries for gamepad and joystick; it might say N/A for gamepad but select this anyways).
- You will likely also need to follow the troubleshooting steps below to set up HidHide.

TROUBLESHOOTING (see also image)
- If the controller does not have orange light bars (when in-game) it means the DS4Windows profile is not active.
- The Anti-Cheat software now used in Star Citizen means the DualSense wireless controller needs to be hidden using HidHide, in order for the emulated XBOX controller to work.
- This is the cause for missing L1 modifier functionality (Star Citizen doesn't seem to support that for directly connected Playstation controllers).
- Getting the correct HidHide settings seems to be dependent on the order of applying them. Try the steps below.
- In DS4Windows -> Settings -> Controller/Driver Setup make sure to install HidHide and FakerInput (to deal with Star Citizen Anti-Cheat). Restart the computer as prompted.
- Open the Windows "Set up USB game controllers" panel (search for gamepad) to confirm which controllers are visible to the system when applying the below settings.
- Make sure DS4Windows is running (should say Stop on the bottom right button) and the controller is connected (blue light bars).
- In DS4Windows -> Settings untick the option "Hide DS4 Controller".
- In DS4Windows -> Settings -> HidHide Configuration Client -> Devices you should see both the XBOX 360 and the DualSense controller. Check the box next to the DualSense controller and the box at the bottom to "Enable device hiding". Close the HidHide window.
- The Windows Game Controllers window (opened above) should now only show the XBOX controller.

The Aegis Inquisitor in the banner image and on my desktop is a ship concept I created in Unreal Engine!


Interaction mode primary action (R1) and interaction wheel (L1+R1) are now properly separated. This is a significant playability improvement.
- Separated keybinds for interaction mode to have primary interaction on R1 and interaction wheel on L1+R1
- Bound ship weapon group 2 on right shoulder button double tap
- Corrected vehicle mappings image should be M1 Lights [2], not M1 Lights (courtesy of user Orihem)
- Updated vehicle mappings image with mining mode jettison cargo L1+B (not tested)

Overall a good patch for gamepad
- FPS weapon shortcuts are working again (digi-down [2] melee weapon, digi-right primary weapon, digi-right [2] sidearm, digi-left gadget)
- Changed vehicle ADS from tap to hold
- On-foot image replace melee on digi-down with medpen
- Mining mode bind first module to B and second module to B [2], bind jettison cargo to L1+B
- Tractor beam does not toggle, requires holding the trigger
- Tractor beam traversal mode has no keybinding (right mouse)
- The right stick moves the mouse in interaction mode, which sometimes doesn't work well with selection wheels
- Unbound playstation button in DS4Windows
- Added stick max zone 0.95 in DS4Windows

Fixed some rebinds caused by the update.

We are back with the usual complex mappings.
- On Foot: Added EVA controls from the 3.23 simple mappings
- On Foot: Added ammo repooling on LB+X
- On Foot: Added helmet equip on LB+digi-down
- Vehicles: Changed ping and scanning mode modifiers
- Vehicles: Changed speed limiter modifier since it lost importance
- Vehicles: Removed gimbal mode binding
- Vehicles: Added precision targeting on digi-up. This might not work too well.
- Vehicles: Updated salvage mode bindings to include support for the tractor beam, fracture and disintegrate
- I added QR codes to give you a way to tip me some sats!

Due to the current keybind issues, I have remapped everything using no modifier button or double tap. This means a number of quality-of-life bindings are missing (select primary weapon, select gadget, ...), but generally I am surprised that this mostly works out ok.
- Many actions need to be done via Inner Thought (Mobiglass, Landing Gear, Lights, ...). It might take a bit of time to populate the Inner Thought wheel.
- Select weapons via the weapon wheel. This doesn't work in armistice zones, meaning the only way to select gadgets there is via Inner Thought or Inventory. Select in the weapon wheel does not work with thumbstick during EVA, use the touchpad.
- Ship flying basically only works in Cruise Mode. Look at the small target speed number left of the speedometer and adjust it with the digi-pad. For precision landing, you can disable Cruise mode and use the digi-pad. Landings are not as smooth as before.
- For ship combat use auto-targeting (toggle status displayed on the right side of the HUD).

Ranged weapon melee/takedown now seems to be forced to the right stick button, without a keybind to change it. This means crouch/prone had to move to B, and the drop/place/throw bindings had to adjust. The customize weapon keybind no longer works with hold, and the scanning mode keybind seems to have changed behaviour. Some of these changes might have already happened in 3.21.0 or 3.20.X.
- Ship scanning mode from L1+X to X
- Ship radar ping from X double-tap to X hold (& release)
- Ship lights from L1+X double-tap hold to L1+X
- On foot flashlight from L1+X double tap to L1+X
- On foot melee/takedown from L1+R1 to right stick button (dev change, missing keybind)
- On foot crouch/prone from right stick button to B
- On foot throw overarm from B to L1+B double-tap
- On foot throw underarm unbind from L1+B
- On foot drop item from B double-tap to L1+B. Hold for place item does not work anymore.
- On foot weapon customization from digi-up hold to digi-up (dev change)
- On foot change firemode from digi-up to L1+digi-left

- Minor fixes of keybind changes in the patch

- Fixed ship salvage beam not working with R1, and fixed weapon firing during inner thought, by binding weapon groups 1 and 2 instead of "all".
- Moved Alt+R Nvidia GeForce Experience performance overlay to Modifier+Home button to avoid bringing the overlay up when turning off the controller.

- Updated installation instructions for clarity
- Recreated all mappings from scratch in case of potential issues arising when not deleting the USER folder upon game update
- Removed all Joystick bindings because these interfere with the gamepad bindings for many users (especially movement and countermeasures; e.g. left shoulder button deploys decoys)
- Added underbarrel action (e.g. weapon light) to modifier + digi-up (double-tap)
- Added melee attack and takedown (modifier + right shoulder button) bindings to the diagram
- Changed PS5 button from Win+Alt+O (Shadow PC streaming) to Alt+R, which brings up the Nvidia GeForce Experience performance overlay

- Vehicles: Change cycle gimbal mode from modifier + digi-up (double tap) to modifier + digi-left due to conflict with cruise control
- Vehicles: Seats and Operator Modes: Bind Salvage mode to Modifier + A, same as mining mode
- Vehicles: Salvage Model: Bind swap left module to X, swap right module to Circle
- Vehicles: Bind flight systems ready to digipad-up double-tap
- Vehicles: Diagram add [H] for hold to ship lights keybind (no hold needed on foot)
- General: Bind tilt left to open bracket (accept social) and tilt right to close bracket (decline social), replacing wipe helmet visor
- On foot: Bind wipe helmet visor to L1 + digi-up
- On foot: Bind change fire mode from L1 + digi-up (double tap) to simple digi-up

- Unbind inspect from right shoulder button

- Bind digipad down to cycle ship configuration (e.g. Hull-A).

- Added draw.io diagram files

- Bind left mouse click to mute button to use for inventory dragging.
- Bind left bumper (L1) + mute button to right mouse click (for FPS mining)
- Added Request Landing (ATC)
- Rebind vehicle weapon groups to right shoulder button (underlying structure changed)
- Change vehicle ping to double tap to avoid ping when entering scanning mode
- Add scroll up/down to diagrams