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About this mod

Transforms the Freestar Collective into the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars

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This mod transforms the various Freestar Collective Outfits into Rebel Alliance ones, complete with Body morphs so you can finally role play as Porkins!

Best to start a New Game/NG+ when downloading this mod.

What's been replaced?
The Outfits changed are as follows:
  • Akila Guard = Tantive IV Consular Guard
  • Militia = New Republic Guard
  • Ranger Vest and Trench coat = Rebel Officer.
  • Ranger Spacesuit = Rebel Pilot suit with kitbashed sealed helmet.
  • Akila Ground crew at the spaceport now wear Rebel Technical outfits.
  • Guards at the embassy now wear Rebel Honor Guard outfits.
Endor trooper outfit and Open Rebel pilot helmet are craftable at an industrial workbench.
The original Akila City guard outfit can be found in the back of Shepherd’s General Store

Empire overhaul?
Download UC Empire to turn the UC into the Empire.

Anything that edits the FC outfit records and FC related NPC records.

My Other Mods
Star Wars Props
Star Wars Gangs
Dathomiri Va'ruun
Jemison to Coruscant
Freestar X-wings
Star Wars Droids
X-34 Landspeeder
Bossk and the Trandoshan Mercs
Star Wars Aliens
The Book of Boba Fett Armor
BD-1 Vasco
AT-ST Enemies
Freestar Rebels
UC Empire
Obi-Wan Robes
Aurebesh - Star Wars Conversion
The Mandalorian