Hello author, please ask you a next generation will there be mod restrictions? Why does my mod load into the game indefinitely if it is greater than 204? Please ask for help.
This mod limit fix doesn't allow to have infinite mod, it's a myth. We needed in Classic 1.32 because without it, we could only install 10 mods. Yes! 10 MODS!
People tell me....In general, there are 225 mods, 441 scripts, 1 XML and 223 bundles (if you believe the Script manager)- I know there are builds for the Witcher 400+ mods... how they do it, I can't do it anymore, I know that you can combine bundles - but I'm afraid to break my assembly...and I can't figure out how to combine correctly through Witcher 3 Mod Merger
Пробую объединить через него....получаются пакеты файлов и метаданные, но не текстуры.....то есть вот есть образно две моды, скажем, modYenneferNewFace и modYenneferEyesTS3000_v2 в нижних три файла blob0.bundle Metadata.store иtexture.cache - добавляю все в объединение - на выходе получаю источник, где есть blob0.bundle Metadata.store но нет текстуры.кэш, что я делаю не так??? ********************************************************* Все отбой)) я реально идиот)) файлик текстур не надо удалять)) то бишь из папки мода удалить blob0.bundle metadata.store а текстуры не)))))))не я все таки идиот)))
OMG it's working! I had the "eternal loading screen" problem because of the large number of mods installed. But this limit fix fixed it! My game is version 1.31 (I think it will work without problems on 1.32)
Obviously it will work on 1.32! Because: 1.31 == 1.32 It's useless and a waste of time to downgrade furthermore! All you need is Community Patch Base and Mod Limit Fix in order to use any classic mods.
You are everywhere hahaha. Your comments have helped me many times already and I see you ported a bunch of mods to next-gen which I appreciate. The neighbourhood hero of the The Witcher 3 modding community <3
Super late on this, but this immediately a few problems with mods. Most notably, the game randomly freezing when running Random Encounters, the disappearing inventory screen Accessory Slot, and fixed the infinite load screen so far. Great work and thank you for creating this!
I just installed the game again (clasic 1.32 version) and have a weird launcher now. I looked into the game files and have no GAME exe file, just one for the launcher. what should I do? I don't what to have to use the launcher, infact, if possible I would like to deinstall it and re-link steam directly to the games exe again. But that aside, How to install this fix now?
Ok, I guess I'm blind. Was the exe always in the bin/64 folder? And how do I remove this launcher? How do I stop Steam from launching a launcher instead of the actual game?
I suppose it's your first time here. so welcome aboard.
Know that Next Gen version contains some incorporated mods, like you already have them without using it. Among them are HD Rework Project, World Map Fixes, FCR3, etc... And Mod Limit Fix!
So no need to use it since Next Gen fix the mod limit, you can now use less than 200 mods.
Too many people here forget that we were all Newbies to Witcher 3 modding at one time. I never even played the game until late 2018 and I've never played more than the first 15 minutes unmodded although most of the first mods I installed were texture and graphics upgrades and bugfixes that didn't change the way the game originally worked much. Gameplay changing mods came after my first playthrough.
We needed in Classic 1.32 because without it, we could only install 10 mods. Yes! 10 MODS!
Now Next Gen fix it and we can reach the same limit as we were playing Classic 1.32 with Mod Limit Fix.
See List of unneeded mods for Next-Gen Update (already included or obsolete)
The best approach is to become a modder and learn how to combine mods together.
modYenneferNewFace и modYenneferEyesTS3000_v2 в нижних три файла blob0.bundle Metadata.store иtexture.cache - добавляю все в объединение - на выходе получаю источник, где есть blob0.bundle Metadata.store но нет текстуры.кэш, что я делаю не так???
Все отбой)) я реально идиот)) файлик текстур не надо удалять)) то бишь из папки мода удалить blob0.bundle metadata.store а текстуры не)))))))не я все таки идиот)))
I had the "eternal loading screen" problem because of the large number of mods installed.
But this limit fix fixed it!
My game is version 1.31 (I think it will work without problems on 1.32)
1.31 == 1.32
It's useless and a waste of time to downgrade furthermore! All you need is Community Patch Base and Mod Limit Fix in order to use any classic mods.
Game version 4.04
List of unneeded mods for Next-Gen Update (already included or obsolete)
List of unneeded mods for Next-Gen Update (already included or obsolete)
And it only fixes the hard limit mod which it's around 10 mods (Next Gen fix it by the way).
How much mods do you use?
I just installed the game again (clasic 1.32 version) and have a weird launcher now. I looked into the game files and have no GAME exe file, just one for the launcher. what should I do? I don't what to have to use the launcher, infact, if possible I would like to deinstall it and re-link steam directly to the games exe again.But that aside, How to install this fix now?
Ok, I guess I'm blind. Was the exe always in the bin/64 folder?
And how do I remove this launcher? How do I stop Steam from launching a launcher instead of the actual game?
Know that Next Gen version contains some incorporated mods, like you already have them without using it.
Among them are HD Rework Project, World Map Fixes, FCR3, etc... And Mod Limit Fix!
So no need to use it since Next Gen fix the mod limit, you can now use less than 200 mods.
Too many people here forget that we were all Newbies to Witcher 3 modding at one time. I never even played the game until late 2018 and I've never played more than the first 15 minutes unmodded although most of the first mods I installed were texture and graphics upgrades and bugfixes that didn't change the way the game originally worked much. Gameplay changing mods came after my first playthrough.