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lubatomy Rubini pref and w_evans

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  1. truthlighting
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Regarding compatibility, due to the inclusion of (unless I'm mistaken), this should be incompatible with Engineer Fix and Fighter Repair.
    1. fallout_knye
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Not necessarily. Would depend on what exactly they modify. But yes, you're right, that part of the mod description was written before the engineer patch was added. Will update the description. Thanks!
  2. User_43573962
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Which version do I use with GOG v3.20?

    1. fallout_knye
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Hi. Sorry for the very late reply. The file at the very top of the downloads section (under section "Main Files") is always the latest version. The old files further down were mostly there in case people wanted to try different balance points, but haven't been maintained.

      Not familiar with versioning at GOG, but the game's at version 4.30 which should be the same over there. Do you mean you have an older version of the game?
  3. FunkDooBiesT
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    I've added this mod to my game and found that you cannot launch your pods to intercept the target ship. I prefer to to take a ship with engines and JD intact. You can do this if you put the Skunk's pods in the target ships flight path when launching your pods. When a single pod attaches to the target ship, the targets hull breach sensors trips cutting out the engines. This will grant a opportunity for the rest of the pods to attach. Since you now have a active mission tracking of that target ship if it manages to jump out you will know where it has gone. So to describe my problem with the menu is that i get stuck in a loop, "launch pods" but ship is too fast then I choose "launch anyway" but then I'm back at first menu. With only boarding options mod running I had no problem launching the pods. But for the most part I have your mod running to get the scanning part of the boarding added to my game. Any chance you can check why the menu keeps going back to the first menu instead of launching the pods? Another thing that I would like is if the pods didn't launch right after the scanning drone completes or fails. Maybe add a "informed launch" command?
    1. fallout_knye
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      • 3 kudos
      Hm, that used to work. Possibly a change in Boarding Options. Will take a look. Thanks for mentioning the problem.

      edit: nope, nothing changed in Boarding Options. probably never worked with this mod installed. looking into it.

      edit 2: found the problem. haven't looked at these three scripts in a long time though. fix might take a while to make sure it doesn't break anything.

      edit 3: fix incoming
  4. Frank Jaeger
    Frank Jaeger
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    • 1 kudos
  5. Frank Jaeger
    Frank Jaeger
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    ich finde, der,die,das,den mod sehr gut

    Vielen Dank für die Russian und German Übersetzung

    1. fallout_knye
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Ich stimme zu! Danke noch mal zu alexalsp und Fazer für die wunderbare Übersetzungen!

      I agree! Thank you again, alexalsp and Fazer for the excellent translations!
  6. Fazer1000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod and I love the new infoscreen! :}
    Testing a german translation now ;}
    1. fallout_knye
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thanks again, Fazer!
  7. insaneno
    • member
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    Hey buddy, i ran into a problem. when trying to board a ship it only gives me the option to abort boarding and i wait but no marines ever board any ships?
    1. fallout_knye
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Sorry about that. Fixed in v0.45.1. Please let me know if the problem persists.